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Topics - devvybabe ♥

Pages: [1] 2
Boneyard / Devie's Admin App
« on: July 30, 2010, 09:18:02 PM »
Hi, most of you know my name is Devie (deviant) and I feel like it's time to apply for admin

I'm gonna get admin so fuck you guys.
I hate you all >:(

Why I should be admin: Because I'm frostie.
What I can do to help rnd: Everything including making sandwiches
Ban: Everyone that makes me rage.

Boneyard / Re: I lol'd
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:02:29 PM »

General Chat / LOLOLOL
« on: July 27, 2010, 05:01:33 AM »
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
7:57 AM - Mexis: you there?
7:58 AM - Mexis: i have a problem with game.
7:58 AM - Mexis: I keep getting these letters everywuere
7:58 AM - Mexis: its like alwayts saying
7:58 AM - Mexis: "abcdefghijklmop" saying the alphabet
7:58 AM - .:~RND`=- Devie ♥: delete system32
7:58 AM - Mexis: wats that
7:59 AM - .:~RND`=- Devie ♥: itll make your programs smoother and its 98% cause of problems including what you said
7:59 AM - Mexis: are u sure
7:59 AM - Mexis: have u done it?
7:59 AM - .:~RND`=- Devie ♥: im positive
7:59 AM - .:~RND`=- Devie ♥: yeah.
7:59 AM - .:~RND`=- Devie ♥: it helps a lot
7:59 AM - .:~RND`=- Devie ♥: especially if ur using vista
7:59 AM - Mexis: im not usign vista
7:59 AM - Mexis: using
7:59 AM - Mexis: win 7
7:59 AM - .:~RND`=- Devie ♥: should be the same either way
7:59 AM - Mexis: its al lfked up
7:59 AM - Mexis: kay.
7:59 AM - Mexis: ty

Am I bad now

So, we were on teamspeak just ... well right now.

An idea came up..

[spoiler=for teh lulz][/spoiler]

General Chat / Internet killed my baby video
« on: June 25, 2010, 10:46:58 AM »
Internet Killed My Baby!

Urgh can you imagine???!
What would you do to the parents??
Is 2 years enough or do they deserve more?
Slap another 15-20 years in my opinion.

General / Best pc protector you've used/still using!
« on: June 19, 2010, 02:08:46 PM »
Hi! I am currently thinking about changing my antivirus software.
I am using avast at the moment. It's okay. I like it. If I can't find any other better ones that I can easily obtain, then I'm sticking to it.
But I want you to post the best pc protector you have in your opinion!

Don't forget to add description about it like what it does etc!

Funny Stuffz / Smasters, Devie and Coolz
« on: June 12, 2010, 01:32:27 PM »
RaNdOm's Plain Build

Coolz was doing server maintenance while me and smasters decided to mess around and coolz joined later on.
Smasters had many worldspawn no clip failz LOL


General Chat / KEWK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: June 11, 2010, 10:26:36 AM »
Give me ideas to cook.
Post your favorite meal that you've had and love to have every other day.
Post the name of it, recipe if you can, and the ingredients if you can.
Give as many as you can no matter how many your favorite meals are.

I'm running out of ideas. I need to cook a meal every day for 7 days a week you know :)
I googled it up. The selections were too wide to choose from. It would take me awhile.

So I need your help!

Artwork/Graphics / CnC on crappy photoshoped picture of our dinner
« on: June 10, 2010, 08:06:02 PM »

Chipotle chicken sandwhich at Panera bread was godly amazing.
I decided to photoshop it since I haven't been creative with it for awhile (3 years)
And I ended up with this. I dunno what to think about it. To my eyes its "meh".
But w/e :D

Yes, me and mr. proudly infected HATE tomatoes and pickles so we put it off the side. Yes thats him directly across from me.
And our drink was sweet tea. Not beer LOL jk

Funny Stuffz / Ah, good 'ol bluetooth
« on: May 29, 2010, 06:26:07 PM »
Boondocks Bluetooth

I do agree that it looks deceiving when used by other people.
Used one of them bishes while driving. Stopped at a red light with other people.
I was yelling and going off about something I don't recall. My hands in the air to emphasize how mad I was (idk it's a habit)
The car next to me was staring with a blank stare, like I was crazy - talking to myself.
But I was too furious to care/realize at the time what the situation implied.
I just yelled "the fuck you looking at?!" real loud behind my glass window. Which they also did not hear.

General Chat / rANdOm servers crash -.-
« on: May 29, 2010, 12:29:56 PM »
I want to bring this situation to your attention.
Recently, rANdOm has been experiencing frequent crashes.
Not only on zs but also on ttt. I'm not quite sure about the other rANdOm servers but I know for a fact that zs crashes a lot lately.
Couldn't even play one map without crashing.
Could this possibly be an attack ?

This happened a week ago and it was someone doing it :<
But coolz went in-game and saved the day!
It hasn't crashed since.
Until two nights ago, t it slowly began.


Help/Requests / Votekick/voteban help.
« on: May 27, 2010, 02:47:03 PM »
Alright so, I tried to votekick myself in zs just for the lulz and also to see if I still had respected since I haven't used it in... well I dont know
But I've only used it about 5-7 times since I've gotten it so.. I decided to try it out.

I went on console, typed in "status" and copy+pasted my name in the chat log (after I exited out of console) after the word "votekick".
So before I hit enter, I had "votekick .:~RND`=- Devie ♥" in the chat. Made sure everything was spelled fine etc and I hit enter.
Then here I was like wtf with what I see. It said "Votekick player .:~RND`=- DC". Instead of votekicking myself, I accidentally initiated a votekick for DC...

Why'd this happen/is this a glitch? when I made sure I correctly spelled my name and etc.

Smasters initiated a votekick for himself as well. It worked on him. He votekicked himself and everyone voted yes LOL
and he was successfully kicked for 5 mins. He said he included everything in his name but I'm not sure if he copied+pasted his name from console or just manually type his own name..

This also happened with proudly infected. He attempted to kick himself for the lulz and also to try out his respected since he hasnt used it upon receiving it.

Bottom line: wai

Help/Requests / help with lag please :(
« on: April 29, 2010, 05:14:56 PM »
I have low ping all the time, around 40 - 90.
But, I find myself lagging really bad. I thought it was the server but smasters confirmed he wasnt lagging and everyone said they werent either.
Well, before this started happening, proudly told me to put in this code "-high" in the games library>right click garrymod>properties>set launch options..
Since then garrysmod has been lagging with my low ping..
How do I fix this :(


General Chat / fail.
« on: April 29, 2010, 01:03:00 PM »

A friend of mine joined this club on facebook and I decided to click on it to learn more about it.
I found this comment on the wall and it made me lol,
decided to put it up on failblog and now I ask for joor opinion.

General Chat / Deviant's Admin App <3
« on: April 24, 2010, 06:59:02 PM »
Deviant's Admin App!!


Before you vote no, try to read through this application and please provide the reason why so I can do something to improve. I will try to keep this short and sweet as I possibly can.

Most of you know me as that one chick in RND that plays a lot of zombie survival. And probably know me as that one person who's constantly following Smasters and Carp.

Name: Mary Allison, Devie
Age: 18 years old. Turning 19 this year.
Location: Below the mason dixon line, Good 'ol Dixie, South Carolina USA
Education: 12th year h.s and some medical classes.
Steam ID: telegenickoji (no h4xx0rz you can't haz)
SS number: xxx-xx-xxxx (LOL)

~ Staying Calm
~ Not raging
~ Bit of commands
~ Never been kicked/banned/reported
~ Never been mingey.
~ Helpful
~ Active.
~ Being nice.
~ Does not ban/kick for irrelevant reasons
~ No record of being hated by anyone.
~ Blends in quite well in the background if I don't say anything.
~ Observant
~ No complaints towards me
~ Staying loyal to RND
~ Never used hax on steam games.
~ Handles things properly and fair.

~ DarkGunz private server admin.

About me:
Just your typical gamer chick. On my last year in high school and going on to the medical field in college this fall as a physical therapist assistant. And yes it's true proudly infected (Alex) ( ) and I are dating since September 20th 2005 (,2887.msg31275.html#msg31275) and sharing the same roof. We are helped out by his rich mother. Gavin is the most important in my life other than Alex. I'm not saying anything about who Gavin is but I do want to say that I love him so much (He might be my pet puppy as far as you know). I spend lots of time doing house work and cooking, I used to play so much games when I was home bound last year around summer. I am pretty l33t about computers and know probably not as much as you but I do know a little. My household is full of gamers and it's going to remain that way for awhile.

I just want to contribute to the rnd community and help out as much as I can. I don't have to be a mega admin, I'd be happy to be just a simple zs admin and help out from there.

Therefore I conclude:

I'm closing this application with a remark hoping myself luck with getting admin. ROFL.

Someone dared me to make an app for the lulz in exchange for something I want to be kept as a secret. In the agreement I am also supposed to keep his identity hidden. I know this may be frowned upon but I was left with no choice. I apologize for this but I really had to do it.. Please feel free to vote no. I deserve to be trolled for this and even banned but I deserve it.

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