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Messages - PwnStar

Pages: 1 [2]
General Chat / Re: Having fun with russians
« on: January 04, 2010, 09:05:41 PM »
i guess that's one way to communicate, haha.
i especially love jumping on their boats and forcing them to scream, "GET OFF! GET OFF! MY BOAT, MY BOAT!" (russian to english pronunciation:(GI-YET AWF! GI-YET AWF! MAI BAWT, MAI BAWT)) in a mumble of Russian accent which is clear enough to understand, while at the same time they're trying to push you off their boat. they've got some real multitasking skills.

oh! well then it's all solved :D. hello tyler.

Releases / Re: MAP release zs_fort!
« on: January 03, 2010, 07:22:46 PM »
wow, nice work. i personally love zs_uglyfort and vote for the map a majority of my playing time, while others say "nooo! not that map, i hate it!"... fucking assholes.
but i love how you've added all these new button doors. but do some of the breakable objects break too easily?
and what's this?!?! you've removed the pit >:O. oh wait, only for the top two floors. and you've solved the worldspawn problem :(, i can't push people down no moerz. but still, great job on the map.

i'm sorry to say this Tyler, but you won't be making much of a difference in the flood servers.

Information and Forum Info / Re: Respected list
« on: January 03, 2010, 07:54:48 AM »
i've recently obtained the respected status :D

Games / Re: Count to 1000....Useing Pictures
« on: January 01, 2010, 07:43:54 PM »

element 80: Mercury (Hg)

Boneyard / Re: Russians
« on: December 29, 2009, 07:34:26 PM »
look guys, stop being racist and biased towards the Russians. we all know it's the dutch.

well that's all fine n' dandy and thanks for the approval Banana Hat, but what do I do now in terms of receiving respected status?

thankyou eddy for those kind words :), i really appreciate what you've said.
and also, thanks Duck. but i've come to realise that you just copy and paste that phrase. if you really mean what you say, write an individual and meaningful message.

Approved Respected Apps / Introduction and Respected Application - PwnStar
« on: December 28, 2009, 02:27:20 AM »
General Information: hi, you're all fags. don't you love my sense of humour? (don't reply with a 'no' you toss bags <3)
hey, i'm Jon (PwnStar, quite obviously) and i've just recently joined this forum.
i'm the type of guy who cares about punctuation, but does not give a shit toot about grammar. i currently play on two, of the 'rANdOm' servers which are, Zombie Survival as well as Sled Build (in which i have reached a top speed of 890+. fuckyeah). During my time (it's starting to sound like an end of year reflection, isn't it?) while playing on these two servers, i have befriended or at least become acquaintances with multiple respected 'rANdOm' members.
If you are ever privileged enough to be in my presence while playing on (most likely) Zombie Survival, you will often find me swearing at, and abusing other players. if i am not swearing at and abusing other players, i will be saving the blue plastic chip which has no use in the game other than breaking the floor during first 5 seconds of the round in the map, deathtrap (or as other like to call '1me_deathtrap_sse_v1_21', or 'holy shit, i hate this map'.
i often like to screw around with photoshop as well as flash, but when i work on a project, a pretty decent product can be produced. i am a citizen and a permanent resident of Australia and therefore, my spelling of words or sentence structure may be different to yours.                                       and yes, I do ride a kangaroo to school.

Name and origin: clearly i like porn. there's no origin for my name. it's just that the previous names that i've had have been been unpronounceable to a majority of the public. those illiterate wankers.

Time: i can generally be found online from 2pm till 12pm (fuckyeah, 10 hours. here i come vitiman D deficiency.) maybe 4-5 days a week during holidays. when it isn't holidays, i will most likely be on from 4pm till 6pm. I currently live in Adelaide, SA in Australia. these times are according to, GMT +9:30 hours.

Other: i'm an all round dick head. but once my charm works on you, you'll find out that i'm a great bloke. currently in grade 11 which is the second to last education level for school in Australia. games that i play include Counterstrike: Source, Garrys mod 10 and various other multiplayer games. clearly this category for information is pointless in deciding whether i should become a respected member or not.

just for the lulz:
Name: PwnStar
SteamID: Jhii
Friend(s): nobody.
Education: currently attending highschool in grade 11. in terms of schooling, my interests is based towards the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry.
Birthday: 30/03
Location: Adelaide, SA. Australia.
How to contact me: add me on steam.

that's basically my introduction to the forum as well as my respected application. i'm not going to say "i hope we become good friends", or "i hope to become friends with all 'rANdOm' members" because everyone knows only wankers write this, as well as the fact that i personally know this is bullshit.
therefore. gravitational potential energy, is equal to mass (measured in grams) multiplied by gravitational acceleration (9.8m/s), multiplied by height (measured in meters) and is measured in joules (the standard SI unit for energy).

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