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Messages - PwnStar

Pages: [1] 2
Artwork/Graphics / Re: Gorillaz CnC !
« on: April 12, 2010, 01:34:13 AM »
you illiterate bastard :D

Community Admin Apps / Re: Boat sinker 4 teh admin
« on: January 24, 2010, 08:37:47 PM »
my opinion is clearly my observation. and by you saying that you "should" become an administrator demonstrates that you think you know what is best. if you think that keeping the community in the flood server from minging is a good enough reason, then i'm surprised that you'd think of yourself fit to be an administrator.

Community Admin Apps / Re: Boat sinker 4 teh admin
« on: January 24, 2010, 08:08:04 PM »
Party Krasher, you're saying that you should be an administrator. In my opinion, you're saying that you know what's best, and that you have the ultimate choice in whether a respected individual receives administrative status. Why should you become administrator, because you can keep people from being total dicks in flood?

Magic is saying that you have the right to greet people, but you do not have the right to approve respected applications. Only an individual with admin status or higher may approve applications. Hello Taylorjeremy.

General Chat / Re: commandereddys new server
« on: January 12, 2010, 05:24:36 AM »
that server tag is disgusting :(

Boneyard / Re: Admin's that should be kicked!
« on: January 09, 2010, 07:19:16 PM »
Hi, Im bigboymar and: sabbathfreak911, reborn where killing me right before the round. It's annoying and i hate it... i got killed pushed... and even proppushed off... I WANT SOMETHING DONE NOW!

in an act of random kindness, i shall restructure your complaint in a formal manner.

Hello fellow members of this forum, and the random community. I bigboymar have an issue with the following members that are currently wielding administrative status. These members which i have stated come under the name of sabbathfreak911 and reborn. These members were in the official random flood server at the same time that I was, and i'd like to bring attention to these two members of the community who were in violation of the rules which state that you must not kill others before the round begins. Because of these actions, annoyance and hate have built up, with the help of such other acts as prop pushing and being repeatedly being killed via these acts of prop pushing. As this is a formal complaint, i would like consequences to take place.

Yours sincerely, bigboymar.

Your Complaint has been: Restructured.

in my response, i agree with Eddy. You have nothing.
Sabbathfreak911 is also correct with his comment "P.S Why the fak is this in announcements? LOL". If you don't know where a topic should be placed, then don't start one at all. Sabbathfreak911 is a valuable member of the community. none o' dat complaining shit, k?

Community Admin Apps / Re: Knightmaster50000 admin app
« on: January 08, 2010, 05:14:14 PM »
you're easy to get along with and i'm sure you'd make a great admin.

Approved Respected Apps / Re: I'm a little short for a mingebag
« on: January 08, 2010, 05:03:05 PM »
Top notch? I can barely hit anything as a zombie unless I've got it pinned against a wall. :D

haha, that's the situation for a majority of players though :). but you're still a top notch player.

Approved Respected Apps / Re: I'm a little short for a mingebag
« on: January 08, 2010, 02:51:06 AM »
i've played with you a couple of times :), at least i think i have.
you're a top notch player and a BIG OL' SACK OF SHIT. i kid.
you're a good bloke from what i can tell, and you've gotten along with quite a few people on the server. hello Pete.

sounds like a great idea you've come up with. Yes.

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Hi my name is codex13!
« on: January 07, 2010, 11:35:20 PM »
hello codex. good application which outlines all of your various skills. ALGEBRA?!?! i absolutely hate algebra. Physics and Chemistry are the cooler side of mathematics and science. i don't listen to this type of music, but you've got talent. good work.

Funny Stuffz / Re: LOL BRadFeLLah Admin LOL!
« on: January 06, 2010, 05:30:22 AM »
BRadFeLLah: how much 1 million pounds because im rich and if u wanna take it furher i have a good loyer ok
i'm*, further* and lawyer*. well now that's out of the way, i'd just like to extract and examine some of the content from the conversation 'just for the lulz'. he wanted to bet that he was an admin, and he followed through by saying that he could, and would stake 1,000,000 pounds because, in his words "im rich and if u wanna take it furher i have a good loyer ok".
in my response, i propose that we shank him, kick him a few times while he's on the ground, and then rob and take what is rightfully ours (or sabbathfreak's), the 1,000,000 pounds that he owes us. that is of course, unless he exploits the bet.

but what i thought was extremely confusing is why he would bring a 'loyer (lawyer)' into a bet which was purely about whether he possessed the administrative status for 'random' servers. and in my opinion, if he was that rich, i'd have thought that he would have gotten a higher education or at least bought his own server.


i was playing with him in ZS just yesterday. he seems like a very chill guy and an all round good bloke. but he says he's going to become admin in a few weeks. is this true?

Boneyard / Re: ZOMBIEKILL still not banned
« on: January 05, 2010, 06:59:34 PM »
i've saw that guy too :D. he was constantly prop pushing me and i gave him a couple of warning, but before i could votekick him, he finished with a last prop push aimed at me and left the server.

... we're bonding Boat Sinker. whether you like it or not.

General Chat / Re: WTF? OWNED! KICK? ~VIDEO~
« on: January 05, 2010, 06:14:50 AM »
i saw marlon :D
but i was very disapointed that there was no footage of me :(.

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