Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Coolz + Adminz/Modz please read.
« on: April 29, 2010, 06:12:41 PM »Thanks for your input Xrain, all i ask for is a simple solution to reduce respected minges.
The admins on the server seem to approve every single respected application without even knowing the person.
The elite zs players tend to get banned more than others and it is kind of getting old, the other day pyrokenesis was banned because he was doing so well and was falsely accused of having an aimbot.
I could easily list 10 minge respected off of the top of my head, this is too many, and i dont think that any new classes should be introduced between guest and respected, or between respected and admin. I think there is a very simple solution to this and that is by the admins selecting long term players who are responsible and respectful, and who don't minge.