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Messages - jimonions

Pages: 1 ... 45 [46] 47 ... 61
Approved Respected Apps / Re: Hi, i want to be respected :P.
« on: March 24, 2010, 07:00:43 AM »
what i must do now to be respected?

its up to da adminz, just wait for one to see this post or find one in game and give the url to him.

Boneyard / Re: My Steam Accoutn has been hijacked :C
« on: March 24, 2010, 06:51:54 AM »

haha! this is win, I guess im also inb4lock.

Approved Respected Apps / Re: Hi, i want to be respected :P.
« on: March 24, 2010, 06:46:09 AM »
ive seen you on flood, you prop push a lot, if your really honest about wanting to get this respected then cut down on the minging.

General / Re: JPEG to VMT/VTF
« on: March 24, 2010, 06:02:05 AM »
this can change multiple pic files into valve material and texture files,if thats what your trying to do

zs nao

Deviant has yet t defeat one final opponent...the challenger aproaches, Deviant you better watch out the next time i see you in game.


General / Re:
« on: March 23, 2010, 11:01:33 AM »
nu i keel everyone wit my 7331 ping and intarnet

xexxar you forgot to add that everyone on zambi shud run away when they see me and my big bad gunz.

Nel just wanted to round to end,they werent jumping so nel picked the easiest name to type and votebanned,Nel didnt do a votekick cause I didnt want everyones garrysmod locking up on them

votekick works fine for me on flood, zs however crashes. good way to get rid of the mingiez 8)

General / Re: Your PC Spec :D
« on: March 23, 2010, 05:58:35 AM »
ive got a crappy keyboard which half the keyes dont work properly and i get gaps in my sentances and have to go over each word and fill in the missing letters (no rly this sentaces had 10 mistakes in it before i went over it). And as for my mouse i guess its ok, nothing special, the only thing i dont like about it is how it gathers all sorts of crap forcing me to clean it every 5 min(whats odd is that i scrub my hands until they are so clean you could see your face reflected off them, my mouse i have a spray can with soapy water ready at all times and wipe off my mouse with tissues). Neverless it still finds a way to gather garbage.
Oh and i might also add in my mic cost 2000 yen roughly 20$ and since its one of those crappy designs where the mic is solid (not the bendy ones) i have to tape it with duck tape to my cheek (unimaginable when every time youve got to get up to refill the soapy water for your spray can and wash your hands every 30 min)

(estimated editing time wasted: 10 min)

Forum/Website Suggestions / Re: Admin Ranks :)
« on: March 22, 2010, 07:13:25 PM »
hax 32 days bump. whats the difference between admin and server admin?

Funny Stuffz / Re: CONVAR!!!!!
« on: March 22, 2010, 05:26:50 PM »
lol at the chat in the middle right hand side.

Games / Re: Project Natal for Xbox 360! Amazing shiz!!!
« on: March 22, 2010, 05:21:33 PM »
Stop going off-topic, talk about this awesome futuristic amazing thing for the Xbox360 =D

joo hijack my scary thread.

Dramatic Chipmunk, Bigglesworth style!

Games / Re: Project Natal - Xbox 720! Amazing shiz!!!
« on: March 22, 2010, 07:39:14 AM »
Can they scan my pingaz so i can play it on Skate. ?(He scanned his skateboard.)

lol, btw whats that B thing

Games / Re: Project Natal - Xbox 720! Amazing shiz!!!
« on: March 22, 2010, 06:01:26 AM »
sounds like wii, innovative idea but just isnt the same as real gaming.

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