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Topics - jimonions

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Boneyard / lol some people is gonna get a ban from flood
« on: March 12, 2010, 05:10:59 PM »
i was playing flood and ppl were money rundig so i shot them up and got banned typial, heres a chatlog and a picture
 ps.i was using my mic so you wnt see my chat here. i said no money rounding and shot them and they died so they wanted stubbs to kick me. i didnt get their steam ids in time.
wafflestubbs was saying that hes been on rnd alot longer than me i rly doubt it and claims he knows all the rules that you can ban for shooting on a money round.

people who took part and voted yes
[SolidVote] Stubbs the Zombie initiated vote 'Ban player .:RND`=- jim-onions for 60 minutes?'
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦
Stubbs the Zombie

i dont have steam ids right nao but if you see them watch out. stubbs needs respected removed and wafflejunkie's respeced app needs to be disaproved

(KbV)(SPY)Tabby :3: you can hop on jim
(KbV)(SPY)Tabby :3: Because were friends
wafflejunkie: i cant wait to be respected, its gunna be cool
Stubbs the Zombie: it is waffle, trust me
(KbV)(SPY)Tabby :3: Im already respected
.:RND`=- jim-onions: no
wafflejunkie: i know
AngelLife: I have a baby >:D
wafflejunkie: i hope one person trys to shoot then we can blow him to kingdom come
.:RND`=- jim-onions: i dont remember the last time i votekicked someone
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: NOES
(KbV)(SPY)Tabby :3: Lol you have no womb?
Profile saved!
AngelLife: Baby is my
AngelLife: wtf
AngelLife: The baby is my
(KbV)(SPY)Tabby :3: gtg
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: stubbs
(KbV)(SPY)Tabby :3's props have been removed.
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: i dont like it when people go on my boat lol
Stubbs the Zombie: what
Stubbs the Zombie: imniot
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: so i block off the sides
Stubbs the Zombie: im not
Stubbs the Zombie: NO SHOOTING THIS ROUND!
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: i do though
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:.  -Flood|Tick100|Fast DL- !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !rulez in chat!
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: NO SHOOTING OR DIE!!
wafflejunkie: anyone shoots they get blown to hell and banned
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: waffle
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: you can't get banned
Profile saved!
Stubbs the Zombie: no one shoots
Stubbs the Zombie: for 60 mins yes
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: no you can't
wafflejunkie: mittens gunna die
AngelLife: wow
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
Stubbs the Zombie: i can
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: stubbs
Stubbs the Zombie: ban u
Stubbs the Zombie: yes>
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: you if you ban for 60 mins you can get demoted
Stubbs the Zombie: ?
Player Altrien has joined the game
wafflejunkie: dont jump
(KbV)(SPY)Tabby :3's props have been cleaned up
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: cause your NOT allowed to money round .
Stubbs the Zombie: thats all we can ban for on this serve
panzerheim's props have been removed.
wafflejunkie: those guys were trying to float on a tiny barrel
Stubbs the Zombie: we cant ban 15 or 30 mins
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: no
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: your not allowed
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: cause your not allowed to money round at all
Stubbs the Zombie: then y arent you shotting?
Player billyzwanck has joined the game
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: cause i like money rounds
Stubbs the Zombie: or anyone else for that matter
AngelLife: WOW
Profile saved!
wafflejunkie: i need to buy a crowbar after this
Stubbs the Zombie: why
mittens472's props have been removed.
Stubbs the Zombie: oh alright
*DEAD* billyzwanck: for whats the crowbar?
Stubbs the Zombie: Bradley wtf
wafflejunkie: can i shoot ur boat brad
Bradley: I know.,..
Bradley: no
wafflejunkie: awwwwww
Bradley: I gettign to it
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: CROWBAR IS FUN!!!
Stubbs the Zombie: BRad get on your own boat
Bradley: lol
wafflejunkie: just stay still
Bradley: I know..
Stubbs the Zombie: ma boats uber
panzerheim's props have been cleaned up
AngelLife: My Boat saying Lol WTF :D
*DEAD* billyzwanck: pliz jump plizz
wafflejunkie: chill stubbs he was just getting to his own boat
Stubbs the Zombie: k
AngelLife: i have lowest money
Stubbs the Zombie: my virtual trigger finger is itchy :D
AngelLife: XD
Bradley: mm
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: hey jim
wafflejunkie: yeah imagine when ur RPG is pointed to a boat of boxes
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: jump on
Profile saved!
Player E-Gamerz| Snipez has joined the game
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: jump on
mittens472's props have been cleaned up
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
AngelLife: RAWR
wafflejunkie: they left u know the one that wanted to join
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: STOP SHOOTING!!
billyzwanck's props have been removed.
Stubbs the Zombie: were shooting at teh water
Stubbs the Zombie: WTF}
AngelLife: wtf
Stubbs the Zombie: GUYS WTF
*DEAD* Altrien: Fucking a man.
Profile saved!
Stubbs the Zombie: STOP
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: WAIT
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: STOP!!
wafflejunkie: get him off
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: Jim
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: wtf why?
Stubbs the Zombie: WAFFLE RPG HIS ASS
*DEAD* Altrien: Can someone explain why exactly you don't shoot eachother?
wafflejunkie: angel why did u let him on ur boat....\
E-Gamerz| Snipez earned the achievement Play Around
AngelLife: o blocked the way but
AngelLife: he comes
billyzwanck's props have been cleaned up
wafflejunkie: stuuuuuuubs nooooooooooo!!!!
Player Deeton has joined the game
*DEAD* Stubbs the Zombie: someone votekick onions
*DEAD* ๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: YOU FUCKING NOOB!!!
Profile Saved!
*DEAD* wafflejunkie: i win!
*DEAD* wafflejunkie: soz
*DEAD* ๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: FFS
*DEAD* Stubbs the Zombie: yay
*DEAD* wafflejunkie: he would have shot u
*DEAD* Altrien: Can someone please explain to me why you're not shooting eachother?
*DEAD* Altrien: I'm new to this.
Profile saved!
*DEAD* Altrien: I thought you were supposed to sink eachother's ships..
AngelLife's props have been removed.
wafflejunkie: then go to a different server is what i would reckommend
[SolidVote] Type votekick <player>, or voteban <player> to initiate a vote kick or ban.
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:.  -Flood|Tick100|Fast DL- !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !info in chat!
Stubbs the Zombie: ninja, wanna form an alliance?
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: somebody kick jim
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: and yes stubbs
wafflejunkie: ban
Stubbs the Zombie: nice
wafflejunkie: ban jim stubbs
wafflejunkie: no
Stubbs the Zombie: someone type his full name out
wafflejunkie: no
wafflejunkie: yes i have
Stubbs the Zombie: i cant voteban him if i dont see his full name
wafflejunkie: go have a cry
[SolidVote] Stubbs the Zombie initiated vote 'Ban player .:RND`=- jim-onions for 60 minutes?'
๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦: .:RND`=- jim-onionss
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- jim-onions voted no.
[SolidVote] Bradley voted yes.
[SolidVote] ๖ۣۜNinja•Àssassin ¦CM¦ voted yes.
[SolidVote] Altrien voted no.
[SolidVote] wafflejunkie voted yes.
[SolidVote] Stubbs the Zombie voted yes.
[SolidVote] Deeton voted no.
wafflejunkie: TOO LATE
Wrote 'screenshots/fm_canal0000.jpg':  2.36 MB (1024x768) compresssed (quality 90) to 279.39 KB
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Banned by vote for 60 minutes..
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Banned by vote for 60 minutes..

Banned by server

Banned by server

Banned by server

Banned by server

Banned by server

Funny Stuffz / the assumption song
« on: March 06, 2010, 10:28:46 PM »
The Assumption Song

no comment loooooooooool

Help/Requests / fuxin source engine
« on: March 05, 2010, 08:06:56 AM »
i cant play any other source game on multiplayer other than gmod. l4d,l4d2,hl2dm,synergy,css,cs. they're all fuxed up and whenever i join a server the game freezes at the motd. my computer isnt that bad i have a NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS, 3326mb of RAM, and quad intel. why is source being such a bitch to me?

Community Admin Apps / jim-onions admin application
« on: February 27, 2010, 10:03:39 PM »

jim-onions is a nice guy who is friendly to people he meets. (or not depends who you are and how you treat othe people)
this is my admin app and I'm not that good with all that big colorful text so ill keep it like this. haiohaoihoaihaiohoai.


NAME Cai Phillips (yes its  bit odd and you probably wont be able to pronounce it, that's why i keep it Jim. It means seashell in Japanese)


INGAME NAME.:~RND`=- jim-onions (note the onions beside the name, as to not confuse myself with other jims out there. YOU BETTER UPHOLD THE GOOD NAME OF JIM) PS. YOU BETTER


Wat ai lyke My favorite colors are lightblue and greeeen. i like shiny/ glowing suff. i like dogs, i have french bulldog who snores really loudly when he sleeps. ive got fishes in a fishtank (no touching, or if you want to be like on of my friends at school who came over to finish a science project and dumped a whole packt of fish food ino the tank forcing me to clean the whole thing out). im an athiest. i like music. cactuses are sharp dont touch them.


Music bah, i like amatuer musik like newgrounds. Techno, trance, electronic, rock, alternative, occasional metal, ambient, and anything else that catches my ear.


STEAM FRIENDS (in RND) Ive played with them at least once or lots and lots of timez :D
.:RND `=-DC-= [SPY]
.:~RND`=- PwnStar [SPY]
Underdog [SPY]
Methadone [LNGO-O]
«-= Magic =-»
.:~RND`=- Minic
.:~RND`=- xXTheStrikerXx
.sf| SMasters9106
.:~RND`=- ๖ۣۜÐJ Kräshér²
mdew355 -
.:RND'= CommanderEddy |AHN|
.:~RND`=- Sanders
Tiger guy
=-MλsTer GT-=
.:RND`=- churros
.:~RND`=-{DBD}Cobra -
»LB« UberLord
.:~RND`=- |Your Awsome|
.:~RND`=- Deviant{ZsP}
๖̶ۣۜRoyal Jester
.:~RND`=- ๖ۣۜFrank
.:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=
[шіяєď] Xrain
.:~RND`=- Frank
.:~RND`=- ๖ۣۜMr.Franklin
.:~RND`=- Tabitha


AGE 15

LOCATIONJapan, Tokyo

EDUCATIONSt. Mary's International School of bullshit

STEAM IDnu i afraid of hacks if you want email me or sc


SKILLS Little lua (if you count changing things to make missing textures appear in game), Learning Microsoft Visual Basic (for my spare time),mapping (I lyke mapping haiohaioahaioahaio, i have released a total of 6 maps).


PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE Ive never been admin before, i guess Ive got to start somewhere


TIME SPENT ON RANDOM SERVERS The RND flood was the first server i played on multiplayer and ever since then Ive been playing everyday on the Zs and flood servers, later terrortown. All in all 10 months.


BIRTHDAYJuly 7 1995.


GAMEZZZ lol i think ill put all the games i can remember playing ever since i was in kindergarten.


Algebra for kids! age 3 and under (mmmmmmm)
some preschool game where you count the ants and sort them into groups (lol i remember it was really fun)
some more preschool games (too many i forget)
MOHAA medal of honor allied assault (my first introduction to LAN and web gaming)
Age of Mythology (fun)
Age of Mythology Titans expansion (big gods fighting yum)
MOHPA medal of honor pacific assault
Age of Empires
Some other game by the creators of Age of empires cant remember
LOTR (dwarfs pwn)
Rise of Legends (long live one of the best RTS games)
Diablo2 (funfunfun)
Diablo2 expansion (morefunfunfun)
Guild Wars
WOW (got to lvl 80 then stopped)
TF2 (i keel all with demo and soldier)
GMOD (haiaiahahaiahaioaiaoi)


REASON i always wanted to be have a superior role like admin so i could make sure people who play properly can have a good time. who doesn't like having a good time? lol... Random is where its at, i look forward to being a good member and a credit to this community. not to mention making sure those mingiez are kept in check, no doubt they'll see an admin and know they can be kicked or banned for ruining the game for others.
(while having funbs).
My primary concern is the flood server. There are lots of people who play there (even more since zs has been messed up) and they usually come here to appy for respected. Little do these people know that there are things that are in place for people to follow called rules. They think money rounding and shooting boats they're on are ok. They dont know who to ask what the rules are but if they see admonz then they know who to ask.

That concludes of my application (if you've read all of it)
and i hope you take this into consideration you know wat im saying>?
I should also add in that there have been no reports on me.

Help/Requests / screen bug (all text becomes blocks)
« on: February 23, 2010, 07:01:05 AM »

does anyone know? something to do with addons im sure but i want to know why it happens, the  only way to make it normal again is to quit the game.

Mapping / zs_technology jimonions super new awsome map (finished)
« on: February 20, 2010, 08:43:08 PM »
zs_technology the next map which i have started on. its still in developement (duuuur) and i finished the elevator, hallways, and hall corners, zambispawn, service corridor, cafeteria. note the elevator will be spam proof with a delay time after reaching the level. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D hooray fo CHEESE i like mapping.
some pics... note this is not the final layout of the intended map but just to how what i have finished in the basic architexture and theme.
i dont know how to add pics to forum so if you know tell me pls(ty magic) (i think ill keep the pics on googles thingy cus i will be posting a lot cus i likes pictures)
*update* 6:26pm Japan time FEB 21: added more pics showing hallway with cubemaps compiled and processed

*update* 9:38pm Japan time FEB 21(lolz nothing bettar to do): more pics of entrance to a room, upped brighness from side lights...

*update* 6:48pm Japan time FEB 22: pic of service corridors leading to SeCrEt ShiZ?

*update* 6:53pm Japan time FEB 22: aaah earthquake :'(

*update* 5:52pm Japan time FEB 23: zambispawn...dont know if i shud add something looks a little bland. 2 openings to rest of map (how about 4?I know where i could fit them in)(done 4 exists prepare for molestation adventure humans)

*update* 10:24pm Japan time FEB 25: cafeteria (RIP quarantine this map wll have same features too only a little less nerfed) lols i know i added breen chairs. Is it too bright? maybe a button to turn lights on off? (done)

*update* 4:55pm JaPaN TiMe FEB 27: map isnt scenic enough, i add window room bishes. SPACE or EARTH?

*update* 10:01pm 0.0 japan time MAR 4: not much effort into this next cading room, but it has a neat camping spot in a neat little room reached by a ladder.

*update* 6:03pm jup timzmAr 5: i made another little room, its the armoury, in it is an rpg so you can blow up zambies (i figured it wouldnt be much use later on in the game when everyones caded). the armoury is dangerous! Zambies can come thu vents and break the fans! (nu i change mind)

*update* 9:32pm jp time (only 3 and a half hours O.O) the last cading room. a vast bottomless pit with a sphere suspended out in the void connected to by a bridge. couldnt see what else to add so i left it like tat. this room is ment for cade kit (no props see haha!)

*update* 10:58pm j t MAR 6 guess wat you guyz i finished loooooloooooloooool heres a crappy vid for you fags
its been fun making this map and i hope you guys enjoy it

v2 fixed bugs

Games / Bad Company 2
« on: February 19, 2010, 05:55:23 PM »
Bad Company 2 hooray for cheese! who has already pre-ordered it?
for those of you who dont know. Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Official Battlefield Moments - Episode 1

Server Requests/Suggestions / sound effects for votekick/voteban
« on: February 19, 2010, 06:18:09 AM »
Mostly everyone on the servers know about teh dreadfull kick,ban votebox, it tuns up silently to like a ninja stalking a primary target. Wouldnt it be more interesting if there was some kind of sound fx when i comes up? eg: bing!

used in action: bing!
                        [TF-2] RUFA: NOOOOOOOOO fak you american!

just an idea you can choose whatever you want to but if you think its a good idea then click the yes button.

Mapping / my zs map duuurp
« on: February 17, 2010, 04:29:45 AM »
my first zs map is up on finished it recently and would like any feedback so if you have some time take a look pls ty                                                                                                                    ty

Server Requests/Suggestions / uberprop remover
« on: February 17, 2010, 03:26:44 AM »
How about a prop remover that can get rid of anyones props when they spam them in the flood server only available to admin or sumthing?

General Chat / loophole in rules>dam u mingiez
« on: October 22, 2009, 04:44:08 AM »
in the rules it says do not shoot the boat you are on unless you werent on it from the start of the game. There are people who jump off the boat they are on and shoot it then jump back on; can u state not to do tat in the rules or is it allowed?>?

Approved Respected Apps / jimonions >>>cnna have respected?
« on: October 18, 2009, 07:29:43 AM »
I do games on the computer a lot and bought gmod 2 weeks ago. ive been playing on the random food server every day around 5pm on weekdays and anywhere from 9am to 10pm on weekends (depends onhomework and stuff) i rly enjoyed the rnd servers with other respecteds and decided mebe i should get respected. i got kicked twice by abusing respecteds and that really pissed me off, i hate getting pissed off, so that adds to my rage. i could get them to think twice before kicking ppl for no reason or warning. haha. btw i like bulldogs.
   i played a variety of games fps rts rpg and WOW but i stopped wow. i like having friends who can make me laugh but also keep their common sense. and i hate making enemies and hope not to hold a grudge against anyone on the servers. i lived in japan for my whole life. i was born in new jersey, in a hospital. so im half japanese british and american (one ofmy parents was british) and i think im done giving out all that quite personal stuff.
   my ingame name is jimonions
  my steam id is  21148833 and im running out of things to say so...yea i need to bother an admin to get respected.

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