Name: John
Age: 27
Location: South Texas
Education: Texas A&M University
Professions: Self Employed, Husband, Dad.
Hobbies: Mechanics, electronics, gardening, shooting and reloading (I make my own ammunition), gaming.
Useful skills: I've done some work with LUA based gamemodes including Gm-stranded and custom modifications of several others. Damn good with computer hardware. Experienced in operating systems from Dos, Windows (3.1 to Vista), some Linux, various Mac operating systems, as well as some web design and lots of PHP-based forum administration. Little bit of everything really.
Objectives: To donate some of my time and energy to assist in the smooth running and player-conducive environment of the RND servers I play on regularly. This may include handing 'respected' requests, solving minor disputes within the game server, and warning disruptive/excessively rude players as well as taking further action as necessary. I'm open to other duties if the need arises.
Experience: I've hosted many semi-permanent game servers over the last 12 years for games including Quake 3 Arena, Unreal Tourney, and old Team Fortress Classic and many others. In addition to this, I've served as an admin for the KYR ( gaming group in several games ranging from the Call of Duty series to Battlefield 2 and 2142 for a period of 2-3 years. The groups popularity declined and we were no longer able to fund the servers. After this I served as admin for a few months on a WoW server called Burning Wow but it was taken down by legal action shortly thereafter. More recently I served as admin on SleeperSofts old servers for a while.
Reason for submitting application: I really enjoy the servers you guys host and spend a lot (maybe a little too much

) time on them. I feel like I could offer something in return to make the place better for the players and a little easier on the guys that make it all happen. To be honest, I'm a little hesitant in submitting this app as I know how time consuming it can be to be a good administrator. Still, I'd like to give back and do my part and I believe that my years of administration experience would be an asset to the community.
Strictly business: I don't play favorites and I fookin hate drama. If I am granted admin privileges, they will be used only when the situation calls for it. For the rest of the time when things are running smoothly, I am just another player on the server. I am honest to a fault and am absolutely trustworthy.
Let me know if any further information is required.
+1 if you want somebody responsible and honest keeping the servers care-free and enjoyable for all. If -1, please post why.