Low latency, variety in gamemodes, good map choices. Some damn fine servers you guys are hosting. Just wanted to give ya some thanks.

You can catch me in the ZS, build, or prop-hunt servers. I play either as Psycho0124 or SatanicKill. Take it easy dudes!
Edit: I know it's a little late but I guess I'll go ahead and do the full intro.
Names John. I'm 26, live down in South Texas. My wifes name is Alicia and we've got two boys, Luke and Owen.
I'm kinda a jack of all trades, profession wise. I work from home doing computer repair, website design, new builds, electronics repair, all sorts of shit really. Construction, automotive repair, electrical, structural, plumbing. I even trade in the stock market for even more income (been a good year since march !)
If you've got any questions about any of this stuff, pm me and I'd be glad you out!
I've been into gaming ever since my old NEC 233mhz Pentium. I guess it's a serious hobby (hehe addiction). Doom, Castle Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem, Quake, Warcraft, Carmageddon, Half Life, Counterstrike (had a real problem kicking this one) Unreal, Worms, Various flight/combat sims, Command and Conquer, Homeworld, Starcraft, Age of Empires, all the way to Battlefield 1 and 2, CS Source, Crysis, Prototype, and most of the sequels to the fore mentioned titles (the list could go the whole page if don't skip most of them (Like Heretic and Hexxin, most youngins won't have heard of it tho.).. Fuck, the list goes on and on.
My all time favorite though is probably Gmod, just because of the diversity you can achieve with the game. You can damn near do anything you want with the game via simple scripting.
Let's see.. Uhmm.. I drive an old (somewhat modified) 1987 Honda Civic because I'm a stubborn ass and refuse to make payments on some new piece of shit especially when I can invest the money and make even more out of it! Plus that damned car has taken me all over the country without even ONCE leaving me stranded so I can't help but feel some loyalty to it. Who gives a shit if she occasionally needs a carburetor tuning or wants a new clutch plate. I've had her since early high-school and she's served me well so I say fuck everybody that feels sorry for me/looks down on me for driving a 23 year old car. I've got more in my money market account than most of those pricks do anyway and damnit, I'm proud to take care of the things I've got. I bought a much newer Accord for the wife since she can't drive a stick shift to save her life and I hated that my car always smelled like burnt clutch when she would pull up in the driveway in it..
What else.. I'm kind of a gun nut. I cast my own bullets, load my own ammunition, and shoot frequently. Most of the rounds I make are very high powered, well above and beyond what you can get from factory ammunition (I sometimes get a little nervous when test firing new loads for the first time (... BOOOOM...

.. "Oh good.. Still here!"

)). I've got everything from .22 pistol and rifle (can't make rounds for those.. fucking rimfires) up to .357mag .44mag(my fav pistol.. Thing shoots like a rifle!) .45 auto and revolver and the monster 45-70 (love of my life just behind my wife and kids.. Maybe tied with my car). The 45-70 case can load damn near any slug/power combination down to the little 300grain flat-nose (good for really long ranges with great stopping power, nearly 3000 feet per second), up to the 540grain which will easily bore a hole through a telephone pole (makes a lovely cloud of splinters on the other side!

), or the 4 inches of bone in the skull of a T-Rex if one is ever unfortunate enough to wander into the yard..

Anyway, back to gmod. I'm sorta a math geek so I'm really into wire. I've even got a couple (pretty old) vids on youtube detailing a few of my early creations. Spacebuild stuff and flying things mostly. I build all sorts of things from automated security systems that talk to intruders (combine voice, "Move back.. Right now!".... "Final warning".. Then fries them with an igniter turret or something) to aircraft, hovering contraptions, crazy cars, Zombie smasher devices (love goremod), catapults and trebuchets, really all sorts of stuff. Also been pretty addicted to Zombie Survivor lately (hence the guide in the general section

Couple of Youtube vids of my stuff (old crummy stuff I know. I need to post some of my newer shit):