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Messages - Boat Sinker

Pages: 1 ... 53 [54] 55 56
Funny Stuffz / Re: The WIN BOAT (Flood)
« on: December 25, 2009, 08:38:14 PM »
it failed cuz i anchored it to the dome

Help/Requests / FLOOD IS TEH FAIL!?!?'s not the same anymore
« on: December 25, 2009, 07:43:34 PM »
....its not the same anymore.

rounds last 30 seconds because of people just ramboing boats cuz weapons are so powerful. :'(

if that doesnt happen crazy foreigners just money round.

we need our programmers ruben and minic to fix up the server in terms of adding higher hp props that float and adjusting the power of certain weapons.

the mp5's damage should go from 7 to 4.
yes it will make people angry but it will improve the server.

a shotgun would be nice too 25 damage 50 bullets

don't forget a sniper 40 damage 10 bullets

and fix up the para for the price it fails more than my grandmother's cooking

grenades are bugged. they don't do 200 damage. they only do the burning damage which is about 15. They onyl so the 200 dmg sometimes. and its once in a  blue moon

General Chat / Re: How did u get your usename ?
« on: December 25, 2009, 07:24:08 PM »
at the time the flood server was like crack cocain and boat sinker suited that server perfectly. it was a bit cheesy but not anymore

General Chat / Re: Should Sabbath Remain A Respected User?
« on: November 01, 2009, 08:37:07 AM »
Sup sabbath. in my personal opinion i think you are too young and immature to keep your respected. i say mature because you are not lenient enough. well i havnt played gmod for 2 weeks now so im not sure how good of a player you are now.

Approved Respected Apps / Re: mdew355 respected?
« on: October 17, 2009, 08:32:55 PM »
wow mdew355, i just have to say that you are very stupid (no offence) for giving out so much information.

youre exact birth, name and lastname, where you live etc.

if sum1 really wanted to they could come to ur door step and possisbly identity fraud you.

if i where you i would modify this to take out all your identity stuff

General Chat / Re: SMELL THE COFFEE!
« on: October 15, 2009, 12:53:21 PM »
well the reason why they are not voting yes is that they know that they can get away with it. if multiple respected ppl r on they will vote yes.

Boneyard / DONT PRESS THIS. not important anymore
« on: October 14, 2009, 03:21:47 PM »

General Chat / Re: SMELL THE COFFEE!
« on: October 14, 2009, 01:53:54 PM »
Why can't they be kicked?

they can not be kicked because they have become such a majority that they vote no to votes, when in fact the right ting to do is vote yes.

General Chat / SMELL THE COFFEE!
« on: October 12, 2009, 10:35:57 AM »
Have you realized how fucked up the flood server has gotten? All people are doing now is doing money rounds. It's really pathetic. Everyone agrees to money rounds and now they cant get kicked.

The only way that this can be fixed is if team can be made. The way where you go like !Jointeam #. Because everyone just goes on one boat and waits.
Sorry to say but the flood server is no longer fun. We need change.
The server is full of newbies that have 50k money and and most weapons due to money rounds. :(

Boneyard / old post
« on: October 10, 2009, 08:38:46 PM »
# 1080 ".:RND`=- HandGlove" STEAM_0:1:24695087 40:27 106 0 active

i have no clue how this guy got respected because he is a minging mothe fucker.

he was kicking people with no warning, giving ridiculous excuses that it is allowed.
he said that people should have common sense not to do something so if they did it once and even if it was something so petty he would kick them. BULLSHIT!

he was trying to start a revolution in the server or something like that (lol) by telling everyone that evryone should minge and vote no for votes so the minges would rule the respected people.

i made a boat in which evryone got on. he told everyone to shoot the hell outta it.

this guy is extremely abusive and should be demoted.

sorry but i have no visual recordings of what he was doing.

p.s. i notice the flood servers are infested with minges lately. all these new players are money rounding every round.

the rule list on the server should be updated because no one seems to believe that certain rules are legit.

So far I am pretty pleased with the new weapon updates on the end flood server. I have some more suggestions.
Most of the weapons are very good for short range, but are crap for long range. We need another weapon besides the crossbow that can be usefull at long ranged attacks.

For this I am considering an mp5 because it is an extrmely accurate machine gun with almost no recoil.

A css sniper can even do the trick, but you would have it as a weapon that does a lot of damage per bullet ( about 30-50). It would also have only 10 or    20 bullets because of this.

The programmers ruben and minic can add whatever else they want to add.

Now for props. When it comes to building boats builders are stuck with only using vending machines and shitty low hp props.
I know that  not many props float in garrys mod but the programmers should make non buoyant props buoyant by givign them the physical property paper or wood.
Perhaps we can have "uber" props that have 1000 hp, are a bit bigger than a vending machine, and float.
We already have so many low hp nearly useless props. Now it's time to bring in higher hp usefull floating props.

Having a large variety of props allows much more strategies, and will surely bring up more and better boat designs.

What about special event weapons? That's a very good idea. Every now and then weapons should be available only for a few days and are unique eg. Absolutely no recoil gun. These weapons should then be impossible to buy again, but the purchasers keep them forever.

Lastly, maybe speed or health boosts can be purchased
- +10 hp in battle forever, + 20, +50.
then for speed boost when you hold shift, that will toggle your purchased speed boost. The speed boost lasts forever, only when you press shift.
- slightly increase speed, moderately incease speed, greatly increase speed.

P.S this whole thing was types out on my iPod touch LOL sauce

This post is also intended to be like a main request thing for others to add other requests. Feel free to. 

This was already a sticky so i merged your post. -coolz

Releases / Re: NEW WEAPON
« on: October 03, 2009, 04:10:03 PM »


« on: October 03, 2009, 03:42:56 PM »
Ok. On October 3rd, 2009 at 5:19 pm eastern time i was playing  on the flood server. There was this guy name SomeGreekGuy and he was minging for quite a while. After so long i decided to vote ban him because he was disturbing  teh server for so long. As soon as he got banned for 60 minutes my screen turned white and said Added to ban list.

i can no longer play the flood server.

there was no admin in the server at the time.

« on: October 03, 2009, 02:37:23 PM »
the mayans didnt sya that it is the end of the world. its simply just the end of their calander.

the apocalypse comes in/bad thing about it form the deceiving occupying media.

Help/Requests / Re: Please help.
« on: October 02, 2009, 02:25:32 PM »
no youre not allowed to buy my crack lol

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