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Messages - avp2master

Pages: 1 [2]
Server Requests/Suggestions / The Guide of a merchant for winter survival
« on: November 23, 2009, 10:12:03 AM »
 Before you read this article, read the one directly below it.

What is a merchant? A person that buys stuff, and sells stuff! Of course, you already know that. But what is a merchant doing in ws? Trading of course! How do you trade? This is simple. When you are usually in a tribe, you most likely have a barrel for storage. You Put stuff you don't need into it so others who need it can use it. Well- here is an upgraded version of that sort of trading, folks! Just follow these steps...

1. Get a crapload of resources- about 150 wood, rocks, 50 crystals, 150 sap, 100 berries, and about 25 meat- THIS IS THE MINIMUM REQUIRMENT IN ORDER TO HAVE A SUCCSEFUL SHOP!

2. Get some items- 100 arrows, 6 bows, a few swords, axes, crystal axes, etc- anything that people would need.

3. Set up a trading scale- for example- Lets say that a person wants 50 arrows- say that for every 5 arrows, you will demand an x amount of another resource, or for every 10 wood, you will demand 20 sap, etc etc.

4. Build a Hut (the building with the fire built in already. Place about 3-5 walls through the middle of the hut, and near the edge, place a barrel- You can go in and out of your trading room, and trade through the barrel. Also- Put another barrel (or barrels) as storage for the stuff you wish to sell.

5. Trading- To trade, wait for a customer to come into your hut, advertise where your hut is, ask people to come buy. Once again, If a person wants an item, or an x amount of resources, charge them anything- charge them x amount of items, or an x amount of resources.

6. Self-defence- Please be aware that now that people know that you have a shop, they will try to rob you. Always keep a bow in handy, and shoot any looters that try to get into your room.

7- Choosing WHERE to set up your trading post- It is usually safe if you are in a tribe with trustworthy tribe members- It will be even better to hire a guard (pay them an x amount of supplies every 5 min.

Well... I hope that you have enjoyed reading this guide, and I hope that I encouraged you to become a merchant, and not a rdming mingebag ;)

Well...I was thinking....Maybe we should have a vote extend time thing when the timer reaches :20 min? Because i Think that 1 hour is too short for a map...I mean, it's fun building a tribe and such, and you soon make a hut and start trading with other tribes- but there is no point to that because once you finish building you only have 6 min left to play.... So maybe You guys could extend the time?

Also... Maybe a new map could be added? Because the four maps are starting to get pretty repetitive....

How does this map look like to you guys?


Looks like a pretty descent map to me, looks ALOT better than winter forest or w/e

Thank you for reading, and please comment :)

Help/Requests / The Guide of a merchant for winter survival
« on: November 23, 2009, 09:58:27 AM »
Before you read this article, read the one directly below it.

What is a merchant? A person that buys stuff, and sells stuff! Of course, you already know that. But what is a merchant doing in ws? Trading of course! How do you trade? This is simple. When you are usually in a tribe, you most likely have a barrel for storage. You Put stuff you don't need into it so others who need it can use it. Well- here is an upgraded version of that sort of trading, folks! Just follow these steps...

1. Get a crapload of resources- about 150 wood, rocks, 50 crystals, 150 sap, 100 berries, and about 25 meat- THIS IS THE MINIMUM REQUIRMENT IN ORDER TO HAVE A SUCCSEFUL SHOP!

2. Get some items- 100 arrows, 6 bows, a few swords, axes, crystal axes, etc- anything that people would need.

3. Set up a trading scale- for example- Lets say that a person wants 50 arrows- say that for every 5 arrows, you will demand an x amount of another resource, or for every 10 wood, you will demand 20 sap, etc etc.

4. Build a Hut (the building with the fire built in already. Place about 3-5 walls through the middle of the hut, and near the edge, place a barrel- You can go in and out of your trading room, and trade through the barrel. Also- Put another barrel (or barrels) as storage for the stuff you wish to sell.

5. Trading- To trade, wait for a customer to come into your hut, advertise where your hut is, ask people to come buy. Once again, If a person wants an item, or an x amount of resources, charge them anything- charge them x amount of items, or an x amount of resources.

6. Self-defence- Please be aware that now that people know what you have a shop, they will try to rob you. Always keep a bow in handy, and shoot any looters that try to get into your room.

7- Choosing WHERE to set up your trading post- It is usually safe if you are in a tribe with trustworthy tribe members- It will be even better to hire a guard (pay them an x amount of supplies every 5 min.

Well... I hope that you have enjoyed reading this guide, and I hope that I encouraged you to become a merchant, and not a rdming mingebag ;)

Well...I was thinking....Maybe we should have a vote extend time thing when the timer reaches :20 min? Because i Think that 1 hour is too short for a map...I mean, it's fun building a tribe and such, and you soon make a hut and start trading with other tribes- but there is no point to that because once you finish building you only have 6 min left to play.... So maybe You guys could extend the time?

Also... Maybe a new map could be added? Because the four maps are starting to get pretty repetitive....

How does this map look like to you guys?


Looks like a pretty descent map to me, looks ALOT better than winter forest or w/e

Thank you for reading, and please comment :)

Help/Requests / Extend 20 min.
« on: September 01, 2009, 04:43:04 PM »
I would like to have an extend option added to winter survival, because sometimes 1hr is too short. I mean, it's fun when nobody kills one another, so either we are all in one big, happy tribe, or a multitude of small tribes. So we build walls, towers, huts, shacks, and everything. But sometimes- the huts can be used as stores to trade between loners and other tribes, but that rarely happens because once you build a thriving tribe, only 5 min are left. So it would be nice if we could have an extend map time option....

Help/Requests / Re: Noobs banning for nothing
« on: September 01, 2009, 04:40:16 PM »
and this is why i want votekick/voteban removed....a guy was about to kill these two people on winter survival. The killer and I both had bows. The killer got one guy, then i killed the killer, so i saved 1 guy. But then, the guy i saved and the victim thought that I killed them. So..... "voteban player avp2master for 60 minutes?"   

Server Requests/Suggestions / Parasite server
« on: August 23, 2009, 09:20:33 AM »
Well.... I don't understand why you guys replaced the parasite server with a prophunt server.... I mean, there are about 6 prophunt servers, and 1 parasite server that nobody ever plays on, and you guys hosted a 2nd one that many people played on.

I just want the parasite server back, since i had so much fun....

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