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Topics - avp2master

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Alright, I remember back in the summer of '09, you guys had the one and only parasite server. I loved this gamemode because of its atmosphere- and as the parasite took out each player one by one, paranoia would rise.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Hey, we have the TTT server, TTT is very similar to parasite, so why bother?"

Why bother? WHY BOTHER? Because you would have the ONLY stable, working parasite server. We could advertise the server on steam groups, get people informed on youtube, and make it freaking popular.

Parasite is a survival/horror gamemode based on the movie : "The Thing". The round starts with one chosen parasite set to eliminate the human team. Parasites CANNOT kill humans with guns- Killing a human with a gun as a parasite will cause you to die. If you are killed by a parasite, you become a parasite. If you die from getting killed by bullets or causes other from getting "infected" by the parasite, you are turned into zombie-like spawn.

This game, like TTT, revolves deeply around trust and deception. As a human, you must think twice before pulling that trigger....for that will teleport you to a jail cell unarmed, vulnerable of getting killed. As a parasite, you must gain the other player's trust, deceive them, and take them out one by one.

Also, lets compare this to TTT...

+ stuff that parasite has that TTT doesn't have-

+ When you die, you don't become a spectator. Instead, you become a parasite (or a zombie, depending on how you died). So you aren't bored to tears waiting for the round to end.

+ Parasite has a fucking freaky atmosphere. It's not the same when you're the last innocent against a group of traitors- it's ALOT scarier.

+ Almost every Parasite map has a "jail" sell. You will be immediately get teleported to the jail cell if you kill a human (as a human) AFTER the pre-round. This will prevent rdming, and discourage people to pop a cap on someone just because of "suspicion". In TTT- you simply lose karma (it barely lowers your damage)

+ Parasite gives human players NEEDS. So instead of sitting around with a group, you will have to go to certain stations to accomplish your needs.

+ Playing as the parasite- You can gain special abilities if you kill more and more people. The equivalent to traitor credits in TTT.

And all the more reason to to revive the server- It was popular.

Taken from mod DB:

While you have to satisfy your daily needs such as eating or sleeping , you'll need to guess who of the other player is the alien before he turns you into one.
So this is a "the thing " gamemode for garry's mod 10.

An average game last about 15 minutes.

You start at a random position in a spaceship. One of the player is an alien with an human form , so you can't see he is an alien host. The alien can turn into his alien form at any time. When he is in alien form , you can't see his name aswell , so the only way to be sure that a player is alien is to see him transforming .

Note : The alien is chosen 2 minute after the game as started , after this , all player that join are alien spawn (can't use human form).

The point of this game is trying deduce wich players are aliens. And kill them , before they kill you.

At the beginning , you don't have any weapons. Weapons can be picked up but their weigh prevent you from carrying too much.

Players have 4 different type of needs : Eating , going to toilet , sleeping , and washing themselves.

Several time in a game they are given randomly one of the 4 different needs. They need to sastify it by going to a specific place. They have a randomly set countdown to acomplish it. If they don't before it's over , they die (and become spawn).

Players can kill each other , when a player is'nt killed by an alien , he respawn as a minor alien spawn wich is unable to turn into human form but has infinite respawn. If he is killed by a "true alien" (able to turn into human form) he become a "true alien".
If an alien kills human under it's human form he will die

Aliens can see if other players are aliens or not.

Humans win if all "true aliens" have been killed. They lose if they all die.

*Use your "CROUCH" key to pick up items
*Use your "SPRINT" key to throw items
*Use ironsight (right mouse button) for a much better accuracy
*Enter the specific area in the given time or you will die


Boneyard / Lieutenant Firebolt - Hacks/ minge in Winter survival
« on: May 08, 2010, 08:09:27 PM »
Steam ID: Shit, forgot to get it- will get it next time i play with him.

Reason to get banned - For one, he is a hacker and uses wallhacks (proof:)

and two- he is a fucking minge in winter survival. He keeps on killing people in winter survival, and i mean continuously killing people at the start. He never builds, just gets a bow as soon as he can, and pew-pew-pew.


Red wire

Server Guides/Information / The Guide of a Winter Survivalist.
« on: January 19, 2010, 06:02:37 PM »
Alright, since there is absolutely nothing for me to do, i'm going to make a guide to help out the newbies in ws, altough this guide will probably only be read 20 times. Alright, so you have your four basic needs- Heat, Rest, Thirst, and Hunger. All of those needs are encaved in this halo. The Halo (known as constitution) signifies your overall health.

White Halo= perfect condition
Grey Halo= OK condition/damaged
Black Halo= near death, you're screwed unless you eat something.

Now, note that dieing IS NOT caused by the four needs. The four needs just make the Halo dim whenever those needs are ignored. Which brings me to this point that you will NOT DIE UNLESS IF YOU KEEP ON EATING!

Guaranteed survival-

Eating ALWAYS makes your halo a bit brighter. So let's say that you have all three needs but one (Heat) satisfied. You have a black Halo. You are about to die from Cold unless if you eat something. Eating obviously does not increase heat, but it lowers your constitution so you can live longer. So remember this- whenever you are about to go on a long trip out in the wilderness, or if you have no fire, just keep on eating to prevent death.

Now, how do we get the food? We use a sickle, boys and girls, to get berries. To make a sickle, you must have two rocks, one sap, and one wood.

BLAH BLAH BLAH fail guide. Sorry.

Approved Respected Apps / Winter Survival Collective (WsC)
« on: November 23, 2009, 12:36:25 PM »
Hello, I am avp2master, founder of the Winter Survival Collective. This Group is really just a small sprout right now, and i would appreciate it if You would Join this Group. However- there are a few rules that you must follow- but i will just lay down the golden rule.

Do Not RDM (Random DeathMatch)

Rdming is the act of killing without any apparent reason, if you are killing every single person on the server for no apparent reason, other than fun, then consider yourself a mingebag. The Aim of the Clan is to make a secure environment on the server, hunting down these so-called mingebags one by one. So we can all play in peace.

Even though that hunting down mingebags is our #1 goal, it's not as if we come to the server just to hunt them down. Of course, we visit it to have fun. So if you are looking for a  group that is serious about forming tribes, join us!
Consider us as the Winter Survival Internet Police/Paramilitary

Link to the Steam Group-

We are currently looking for new members. If interested in joining pm me or message me via steam.

And one more thing.... DEATH TO THE MINGEBAG!

Server Requests/Suggestions / The Guide of a merchant for winter survival
« on: November 23, 2009, 10:12:03 AM »
 Before you read this article, read the one directly below it.

What is a merchant? A person that buys stuff, and sells stuff! Of course, you already know that. But what is a merchant doing in ws? Trading of course! How do you trade? This is simple. When you are usually in a tribe, you most likely have a barrel for storage. You Put stuff you don't need into it so others who need it can use it. Well- here is an upgraded version of that sort of trading, folks! Just follow these steps...

1. Get a crapload of resources- about 150 wood, rocks, 50 crystals, 150 sap, 100 berries, and about 25 meat- THIS IS THE MINIMUM REQUIRMENT IN ORDER TO HAVE A SUCCSEFUL SHOP!

2. Get some items- 100 arrows, 6 bows, a few swords, axes, crystal axes, etc- anything that people would need.

3. Set up a trading scale- for example- Lets say that a person wants 50 arrows- say that for every 5 arrows, you will demand an x amount of another resource, or for every 10 wood, you will demand 20 sap, etc etc.

4. Build a Hut (the building with the fire built in already. Place about 3-5 walls through the middle of the hut, and near the edge, place a barrel- You can go in and out of your trading room, and trade through the barrel. Also- Put another barrel (or barrels) as storage for the stuff you wish to sell.

5. Trading- To trade, wait for a customer to come into your hut, advertise where your hut is, ask people to come buy. Once again, If a person wants an item, or an x amount of resources, charge them anything- charge them x amount of items, or an x amount of resources.

6. Self-defence- Please be aware that now that people know that you have a shop, they will try to rob you. Always keep a bow in handy, and shoot any looters that try to get into your room.

7- Choosing WHERE to set up your trading post- It is usually safe if you are in a tribe with trustworthy tribe members- It will be even better to hire a guard (pay them an x amount of supplies every 5 min.

Well... I hope that you have enjoyed reading this guide, and I hope that I encouraged you to become a merchant, and not a rdming mingebag ;)

Well...I was thinking....Maybe we should have a vote extend time thing when the timer reaches :20 min? Because i Think that 1 hour is too short for a map...I mean, it's fun building a tribe and such, and you soon make a hut and start trading with other tribes- but there is no point to that because once you finish building you only have 6 min left to play.... So maybe You guys could extend the time?

Also... Maybe a new map could be added? Because the four maps are starting to get pretty repetitive....

How does this map look like to you guys?


Looks like a pretty descent map to me, looks ALOT better than winter forest or w/e

Thank you for reading, and please comment :)

Help/Requests / The Guide of a merchant for winter survival
« on: November 23, 2009, 09:58:27 AM »
Before you read this article, read the one directly below it.

What is a merchant? A person that buys stuff, and sells stuff! Of course, you already know that. But what is a merchant doing in ws? Trading of course! How do you trade? This is simple. When you are usually in a tribe, you most likely have a barrel for storage. You Put stuff you don't need into it so others who need it can use it. Well- here is an upgraded version of that sort of trading, folks! Just follow these steps...

1. Get a crapload of resources- about 150 wood, rocks, 50 crystals, 150 sap, 100 berries, and about 25 meat- THIS IS THE MINIMUM REQUIRMENT IN ORDER TO HAVE A SUCCSEFUL SHOP!

2. Get some items- 100 arrows, 6 bows, a few swords, axes, crystal axes, etc- anything that people would need.

3. Set up a trading scale- for example- Lets say that a person wants 50 arrows- say that for every 5 arrows, you will demand an x amount of another resource, or for every 10 wood, you will demand 20 sap, etc etc.

4. Build a Hut (the building with the fire built in already. Place about 3-5 walls through the middle of the hut, and near the edge, place a barrel- You can go in and out of your trading room, and trade through the barrel. Also- Put another barrel (or barrels) as storage for the stuff you wish to sell.

5. Trading- To trade, wait for a customer to come into your hut, advertise where your hut is, ask people to come buy. Once again, If a person wants an item, or an x amount of resources, charge them anything- charge them x amount of items, or an x amount of resources.

6. Self-defence- Please be aware that now that people know what you have a shop, they will try to rob you. Always keep a bow in handy, and shoot any looters that try to get into your room.

7- Choosing WHERE to set up your trading post- It is usually safe if you are in a tribe with trustworthy tribe members- It will be even better to hire a guard (pay them an x amount of supplies every 5 min.

Well... I hope that you have enjoyed reading this guide, and I hope that I encouraged you to become a merchant, and not a rdming mingebag ;)

Well...I was thinking....Maybe we should have a vote extend time thing when the timer reaches :20 min? Because i Think that 1 hour is too short for a map...I mean, it's fun building a tribe and such, and you soon make a hut and start trading with other tribes- but there is no point to that because once you finish building you only have 6 min left to play.... So maybe You guys could extend the time?

Also... Maybe a new map could be added? Because the four maps are starting to get pretty repetitive....

How does this map look like to you guys?


Looks like a pretty descent map to me, looks ALOT better than winter forest or w/e

Thank you for reading, and please comment :)

Help/Requests / Extend 20 min.
« on: September 01, 2009, 04:43:04 PM »
I would like to have an extend option added to winter survival, because sometimes 1hr is too short. I mean, it's fun when nobody kills one another, so either we are all in one big, happy tribe, or a multitude of small tribes. So we build walls, towers, huts, shacks, and everything. But sometimes- the huts can be used as stores to trade between loners and other tribes, but that rarely happens because once you build a thriving tribe, only 5 min are left. So it would be nice if we could have an extend map time option....

Server Requests/Suggestions / Parasite server
« on: August 23, 2009, 09:20:33 AM »
Well.... I don't understand why you guys replaced the parasite server with a prophunt server.... I mean, there are about 6 prophunt servers, and 1 parasite server that nobody ever plays on, and you guys hosted a 2nd one that many people played on.

I just want the parasite server back, since i had so much fun....

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