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Messages - Xrain

Pages: 1 ... 5 [6] 7 ... 11
Boneyard / Re: |AHN| DarkBunny Rule Breaking.
« on: May 04, 2010, 12:07:09 AM »
Meh, bans not necessary for something like that. Just removing respected would fix the problems, and send a clear enough message.

General Chat / Re: When did you register on teh forums?
« on: May 02, 2010, 08:37:35 PM »
Date Registered:
    September 02, 2008, 03:54:48 PM

Dam banana you got me. I'll blame Coolz, he needed to make the forums before I left for the summer for work.

Mapping / Re: SDK is anyone else getting this?
« on: April 30, 2010, 04:24:50 AM »
I think that might happen sometimes if you force anti-aliasing and other video elements that with the Nvida or ATi control panel.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Coolz + Adminz/Modz please read.
« on: April 29, 2010, 06:57:54 PM »
Thanks for your input Xrain, all i ask for is a simple solution to reduce respected minges.
The admins on the server seem to approve every single respected application without even knowing the person.

The elite zs players tend to get banned more than others and it is kind of getting old, the other day pyrokenesis was banned because he was doing so well and was falsely accused of having an aimbot.

I could easily list 10 minge respected off of the top of my head, this is too many, and i dont think that any new classes should be introduced between guest and respected, or between respected and admin. I think there is a very simple solution to this and that is by the admins selecting long term players who are responsible and respectful, and who don't minge.

Your right, we do approve almost all the respected applications.

That is because currently, the main qualifications for becoming a respected user is, to A. Take the time to register on the forums and B. Put a reasonable amount of effort into the respected application.

This system's has a few purposes in mind. The first was to mitigate minging, by restricting tools that can easily be abused, such as the stacker and the Adv Dupe. The second was to help build a community for the servers. The respected system was never meant to be choosy, its only main filter was weather or not the person put the time to actually create an application. Which despite what you might think, was actually quite effective.

The issues start to crop up with the fact that we have administration abilities tied to a system that isn't choosy.

It wouldn't be fair in the least to start to become exclusive in who we choose to become respected at the moment. Because in the build servers, critical tools are tied to being repected. So who the hell would play in our build servers if only a couple people can actually use the tools. If all we had were the zs, and flood servers, then yes! definitely start clearing out the respected lists.

So this is why I suggested to make a "regular" member group. So we have something to take over the job of some of the duties of the respected system. In reality, the ability for a respected user to votekick/ban isn't even a primary purpose.

So then we have one group to handle the community building and drive-by minge filtering. And a second group to aid in administration. This would allow us to immediately un-respect anyone who starts minging with his vote abilities.

So that way, if a regular user, earns the community's "respect" *cough *cough, he/she then can become respected.

It's tough to find a "simple" solution for something that has widespread effects. Think about the prohibition, they thought it was a simple solution to reduce the problems associated with drinking. And all it really did was cause a huge mess of problems.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: Coolz + Adminz/Modz please read.
« on: April 29, 2010, 04:29:53 PM »
Yea, I agree with this sentement. When the respected system was first introduced it made sense. It's original purpose was instead of just allowing votekick/ban for all players, which would allow someone to just join and kick everyone; was to add a buffer, that would allow us to select regular players who would be less likely to abuse it.

But it seems this had a drawback of the respected players viewing themselves as privileges over the general population, and using their powers to an excess and acting as mini-admins. Which was not the original intent of the system.

Most of the vip recommendations so far have been for the creation of a demi-admin group laying somewhere in-between admin an the current respected user. When the original respected system was supposed to be a half-way point between the general guest, and the admin class.

Was is really needed, instead of a vip class, make a "regular" category, which would provide access to the tools in wire-build, and maybe have a vote-kick with a long timer. So that way, we can make access to respected much more strict, and a lot more of a privilege than a right.

So keep the respected introductions section to allow us to keep track of players. But just add a halfway class so we don't feel so obligated to accept people's respected apps, and also wont feel as bad when we hit the good ole un-respect button.

General Chat / Re: Any one here play SPORTS?
« on: April 29, 2010, 05:55:58 AM »
motorcross? One fken rich school. ???

Lol, no motocross was not a school sport. I did that on my own time and money, the same goes for circle track racing also.

General Chat / Re: Any one here play SPORTS?
« on: April 28, 2010, 05:05:38 PM »
Well, In highschool, I did:
 Cross-Country skiing
 Track & Field
 Circle Track Racing

Now I do:
 Circle Track Racing

General / Re: Speedtest.Net
« on: April 28, 2010, 04:58:43 PM »
Psh Xrain is using his school's connection. He may have epic dl/ul but he has to share it with other people.

Considering the line rarely ever goes above 80% utilization. In addition it normally costs $90 a month for a 3Mb Dl, 1Mb Ul connection. I'll take my shared Uni connection Tyvm

General / Re: Speedtest.Net
« on: April 28, 2010, 10:10:42 AM »
I even get better upload than you to the server you test off of.... 4200 miles lol

General / Re: Speedtest.Net
« on: April 28, 2010, 10:02:00 AM »

I've gotten better results before tho.

General Chat / Re: Deviant's Admin App <3
« on: April 26, 2010, 06:13:22 PM »
Xrain can have pink

Great Success!

Games / Re: How much life have you wasted?
« on: April 26, 2010, 11:45:50 AM »

Total Time Spent Online:  1 days, 4 hours and 22 minutes.
Total Posts: 72 posts
Total Topics Started: 1 topics
Number of Polls Created: 1 polls
Number of Votes Cast:  33 votes

General / Re: Worlds best PC Cooling system
« on: April 26, 2010, 10:16:55 AM »
Pah mineral oil is for wimps.

Using something like MCT 40, or Feser One would cool better over mineral oil. Or better yet, Use something like Liquid Nitrogen cooling would work exponentially better than any water-cooling setup. Even a generic refrigeration unit would work better than a water-cooling setup

While fish tank cooling is quite awesome, It's definitely not the world's best PC cooling system, it's only mildly better than a standard water cooling set up if done properly.

If you have a exorbitant amount of money to waste, there is a PC manufacturer that specializes in Fish tank computers, and they also happen to look considerably more elegant than a computer put into a fish-tank.

General Chat / Re: When can you see yourself leaving g mod/ RND?
« on: April 25, 2010, 07:04:36 PM »
I never leave, I just take extended vacations.

General Chat / Re: Deviant's Admin App <3
« on: April 25, 2010, 07:01:43 PM »
For the record, I already claimed the pink font color.

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