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Messages - Cake Face

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Boneyard / Re: TTT REALLY needs to be adjusted
« on: May 18, 2010, 05:01:25 PM »
Alrighty then, so now I and other respected can finally ban players for prop killing? Even if they want a duel. Because someone will get hit in the cross-fire or if the barrel misses. You have guns to kill, not props.

Boneyard / TTT REALLY needs to be adjusted
« on: May 18, 2010, 04:58:35 PM »
Well first off before i'd like to being...its kind-of stupid someone put the whole "last slot reserved for admin" bs. So you have to wait until the player count drops to 14 or below. And you'd better hope you join fast before someone steals it.

Now to my main point: TTT really needs to be adjusted. Like stated in sanders thread:


Theres a few of you who I wont name but honestly, thats not what the magneto stick's purpose was. It was to cade and hide bodies, not pick up fucking barrels and kill random suckers. Boy would I like to start votebanning for that. I been prop killed on numerous occasion's as a traitor before making 1 fucking kill. Can an admin please make the prop killing rule official and bannable. I can understand killing afk's BUT IF THE ROUND STARTS AND SOMEONE STILL HAS A CROWBAR OUT, they get hit with a flying barrel anyway. Better yet, remove the swep completely as people dont use it for its actual use.

Then theres a smaller glitches who purposely hold up the round. I've map glitched but not actually held up the round on purpose.

Other then that...thats about it.

General Chat / Re: What is the worst thing you have ever saw?
« on: May 12, 2010, 09:20:50 PM »
Oh lawl, you guyz cant handle nothin.

I scrolled through offensive atleast 3 times
Jerked it to 2 girls 1 cup
Pain olympics made my balls hurt

General Chat / Re: DeathMaps -- Stop complaining.
« on: May 12, 2010, 09:07:32 PM »
Thing is, it only takes 1 minge to ruin the whole entire map. Constantly on deathtime some noob who thinks he knows what he's doing always gets the dynamite and drops it or blows it up too soon. That or some minge blows up all the boxes leaving us fucked.

Another thing, we have a whole list of maps we have never discovered that could be good, but no. A couple idiots have to vote for the deathmaps and skip the good maps. It never ends. 8/10 chance when I look at the server list and look at the maps...its gona be a deathmap. Coolz doesnt have map standards so anyone can upload a whole brick block map and add zombie spawns and grenades and it would be accepted.

I honestly dont give a shit what anyone else says. Sleeper is pretty cool himself but his own maps are giving him bad rep. If he were to put the mechanics used in deathmaps to use in real actual hard maps to make, we would have some pretty damn good maps to play on.

For now, deathmap's are still going to be horrible peices of shit. And as long as they are still up, zs (and rnd in particular) is going to loose more and more new memebers when they die on one of them.

Mapping / Re: rnd_ultimatum_v2
« on: May 09, 2010, 03:21:58 PM »

Man it would be fun setting off 4 trains at once weighing in a 500 props tottal  :laugh:

General Chat / Re: DeathMaps -- Stop complaining.
« on: May 04, 2010, 02:16:06 PM »
I honestly dont mind deathmaps, but when people vote them every other goes too far.

Server Guides/Information / Re: ZS server map routes
« on: April 28, 2010, 03:58:23 PM »
I hope this new method works.

It is what it is. A gaint cave map with lava rivers as your only defence against the zombie onslaut, with minimal cading areas and wide open spaces. Your gona be using your flashlight alot, so make sure you have a good graphics card or turn down the shadow option to your needs.

Human Level: Easy
Zombie Level: Easy/Medium

Overview of map:

Red = Zombie Area's
Light Blue = Human Area's
Yellow = Hazards

Points of Interest:

1. Health Station (Regenerates every 1-3 minutes)
2. Flat cliff to stay on (Get to 2 by jumping ontop of the fences)
3.Cliff side (Get up there by ladder)
4.Secret  Room #1 (Break the wall in-front of it to enter, Get there by turning off lava at station and crossing past 1, or standing at 8, jumping off and landing on the slight floor.)
5.Secret Room #2 (Not really escalated, I dont recommend going there, you must find a breakable wall to get there)
6.Lava Station (Hit the "Use" button on the station to temp. turn off lava. Lava re-activates in 1 minute)
7.Light Generator (Hit the "Use" On the 2nd button on the generator to toggle of the lights)
8.Overview of health station (You can get a few shots at zombies here)
9.Main shooting range at cliff
10.The fences to jump on.

Zombie tips:

1. There's a slight floor sticking out behind the health station at the very edge of the wall, camp there as a wraith and wait for a low-health human to come along to Regen. Before they reach green health, slash them to ribbons.
2. If your a fastie, you can lunge at the humans on the flat cliff spot to damage them.
3. My favorite, this only works with fasties. Try the best as you can to get on the other side of the human area, behind the humans when they are facing toward zombie spawn. Run up and lunge at them, thus pushing them into the lava. If they get out but with very low health, lunge at them, trap them and tear away.

The Human Spawn:

Server Guides/Information / Re: ZS server map routes
« on: April 28, 2010, 02:40:53 PM »
You know what would be even better? noclip outside the map and take an aerial screen shot

...smartass  :D

Imma try to do the best I can on that stuff. I knew the ms paint thing would not work out  :laugh:

Server Guides/Information / Re: ZS server map routes
« on: April 27, 2010, 05:17:01 PM »

Server Guides/Information / ZS server map routes
« on: April 27, 2010, 03:08:16 PM »
Im sure we are all used to the most voted for maps (deathsh-maps, fort, aleous) but hey, why not help out new players with a guide to help them understand where to go and where to keep away from. I'll only do this on good maps with detailed geometry. For my first example:

ZS_FORT (Outside)

Red = Zombie Spawn Area
Green = Human Spawn Area
Red Arrows = Useful Zombie Path's
Green Arrows = Useful Human Path's
Dark Blue Area's = Propable Spots/Useful Dynamic props
Maroon=Barricade Kit spots
AIDS pink = Stairs
Yellow Area's = Ammunition Crates
Light Blue = Ladders
Seafoam Green = Shooting spots

If I get around to it, next post will be fort outside and then move onto the next map

General / Re: My graphics card came today
« on: April 24, 2010, 09:13:28 AM »
Jesus christ, thats one massive picture  :D

But yea, I OC'd it to 600mhz and memory to 450mhz. Still doing fine and everything.

General / Re: My graphics card came today
« on: April 23, 2010, 07:34:05 PM »
And ill have to say, im typing with steam web browser cuz 1gig of ram now. and its quite the card for its size.

With turbo cache its 512mb. and im using turbo. Running farcry 2 @ high with a playable frame rate. TF2 is hella smooth now, gmod has slightly lower fps but it will do.

General / My graphics card came today
« on: April 23, 2010, 03:19:04 PM »
And its workin! My commentary followed:

*thxs to sanders for psu wattage help*

Well it came today, Galaxy Geforce 8400gs, 256mb.

Opening the case.

Snuggly fit.

Some sacrifices were made.


Im going to test this bad boy on a few games.

My old system specs:

Sempron +3200 @ 1.8 ghz
960mb ram
WinXP sp2
geforce 6150 le

New specs:
Sempron +3200 @ 1.8ghz
1.18gb ram
WinXp sp2
Geforce 8400gs

Imma see if i can install a dx10 driver for xp.

Boneyard / Re: TTT Karma
« on: April 22, 2010, 10:17:18 AM »
Actually, you most likely did hit someone that got caught in crossfire. Post round rdming doesn't count toward karma.

Boneyard / Re: Admin Abuse Report:Moo(again)
« on: April 21, 2010, 05:03:44 PM »
 ??? Should I be taking any sides here?

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