I hope this new method works.
ZS_CAVE_B3It is what it is. A gaint cave map with lava rivers as your only defence against the zombie onslaut, with minimal cading areas and wide open spaces. Your gona be using your flashlight alot, so make sure you have a good graphics card or turn down the shadow option to your needs.
Human Level:
EasyZombie Level:
Easy/MediumOverview of map:
Red = Zombie Area'sLight Blue = Human Area'sYellow = HazardsPoints of Interest:
1. Health Station (Regenerates every 1-3 minutes)
2. Flat cliff to stay on (Get to 2 by jumping ontop of the fences)
3.Cliff side (Get up there by ladder)
4.Secret Room #1 (Break the wall in-front of it to enter, Get there by turning off lava at station and crossing past 1, or standing at 8, jumping off and landing on the slight floor.)
5.Secret Room #2 (Not really escalated, I dont recommend going there, you must find a breakable wall to get there)
6.Lava Station (Hit the "Use" button on the station to temp. turn off lava. Lava re-activates in 1 minute)
7.Light Generator (Hit the "Use" On the 2nd button on the generator to toggle of the lights)
8.Overview of health station (You can get a few shots at zombies here)
9.Main shooting range at cliff
10.The fences to jump on.
Zombie tips:
1. There's a slight floor sticking out behind the health station at the very edge of the wall, camp there as a wraith and wait for a low-health human to come along to Regen. Before they reach green health, slash them to ribbons.
2. If your a fastie, you can lunge at the humans on the flat cliff spot to damage them.
3. My favorite, this only works with fasties. Try the best as you can to get on the other side of the human area, behind the humans when they are facing toward zombie spawn. Run up and lunge at them, thus pushing them into the lava. If they get out but with very low health, lunge at them, trap them and tear away.
The Human Spawn: