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Messages - t0mfoolery

Pages: [1] 2
Community News & Announcements / Re: Server Maintenance
« on: July 27, 2010, 03:01:41 PM »
Peetah?, who Peetah?

Boneyard / Re: Who shutted down all servers?
« on: July 27, 2010, 02:41:58 PM »

General Chat / Umm What?!
« on: July 25, 2010, 03:30:57 AM »
TTT, who's who?

Are little whiny brats with 5$ mics in the list?

picked up my table mic for about $5 at target, and I must say, it's really good.

Boneyard / Minges roll in packs now.
« on: July 23, 2010, 03:53:44 AM »
# 258 "Nicole,,<33" STEAM_0:1:26100544 27:06 96 0 active
# 259 "Manbearpig" STEAM_0:0:19618718 26:41 139 0 active
# 262 "Dr. Flyx" STEAM_0:1:15982016 21:54 242 0 active
# 261 "TheBritishKidPi" STEAM_0:1:9806267 25:54 209 0 active

goddamn they were annoying, and I didn't know trolls roll in packs now.
When they were traitors they would say who the other 2 traitors were, and buy traitor weapons and give it to their innocent friends to kill fellow traitors. I also heard the word Nigger about 500 times from them.

watch the demo to understand why.

I know the demo is quite long, and this was recorded about an hour after they joined and trolled.(So it coulda been longer)

last few minutes of the demo is me googling on how to stop the demo.

General Chat / Re: TTT Problem
« on: July 22, 2010, 01:09:13 AM »
half people alive, 1 that was said to be traitor was traitor.. but that was lucky i guess... and he kept insisting the person ghosted for another round, then admired it was lie 2 rounds later.
im just saying :L

Ummm No.

I didn't keep insisting at all, I was trolling and saying "ghosting isn't bannable", I never repeated that Wolf was ghosting to me. All I said(which was the VERY next round(DURING PREROUND)) was to not ban wolf because he didn't really ghost, but I had only said that because so many people were trying to get my friend banned. I don't know where you got this 2 rounds later stuff from, I told you guys not to ban wolf, and you instantly votekicked me. The majority of the server didn't even agree that was the right thing to do because you only got 2 yes votes, and 10 No's for my votekick.

In all honesty we need a rule clarification here, as to whether or not "weapon rushing" (making bow and killing everyone early in the round) is allowed in winter survival. For now just to keep the peace I will say its ok, but any suggestions are welcome.

Round was pretty far in, and we had a good list of people waiting to respawn and play.

But yeah, I understand your point.

General Chat / Re: ttt rdm
« on: July 21, 2010, 09:12:50 PM »
What about RDM round, is it a myth?

General Chat / Re: TTT Problem
« on: July 21, 2010, 08:48:09 PM »
Let's put it this way: If winning the round means more to you than getting kicked, then go ahead and do it. :)

But would YOU, personally votekick someone for doing that.

General Chat / Re: TTT Problem
« on: July 21, 2010, 08:39:57 PM »
saying someone else was ghosting is kinda like trying to get him banned :L

Those weren't my intentions, the person i accused is a good friend of mine. I was only trying to get the traitor to admit what I already had a hunch of.

General Chat / TTT Problem
« on: July 21, 2010, 08:36:44 PM »
Before I report someone, I would like to get this straightened out. I was on the TTT server, and there was 2 people left alive(I was 1 of them), and 1 missing in action. I did not know there was only 1 person left, and did not want to lose karma by shooting the wrong person, but I had a hunch who the traitor was because I couldn't find the third person. I said into voice chat that someone else had ghosted and told me that you were the traitor, ALTHOUGH NOBODY REALLY GHOSTED ME. I only said that so that person would come fourth and admit to being a traitor. After I had lost that round anyway, I was votekicked, and was told that accusing someone of ghosting was kickable. Majority of the server voted 'No' so I was able to stay.

So all in all, I am just wondering if what I did is kickable.

If you have any questions please ask.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: New TTT weapon Idea
« on: July 21, 2010, 05:27:23 PM »
How bout no. If anything, the traitors should get a feign-death item that is like the desquise, except when you press the button, it ragdolls you until you push the button again, but it would say that you died from like suicide or something.

And also, it would drop all of your weapons, so make sure you don't have any Traitor weapons or else people will know you were traitor ^^
And bitch, please, of course it will say you're innocent. Anyone with a brain would shoot a dead man if he got back up.

Then it'll be exactly like WoW BG's, stunlock the huntard's deadbody and confirm death.

Boneyard / Re: Ziggylata, respected corruption on Winter Survival
« on: July 21, 2010, 03:54:23 PM »
Yeah, he had votebanned me for KILLING as you can see on my other thread

Apparently I got banned for something that you are encouraged to do so in Winter Survival.

I was not able to copy his SteamID, but he is an RND member, and I am pretty sure he has an account on these forums.

 .:RND'=- Ziggyℓλtλ ๖Ϡ


screenshot 1

screenshot 2

screenshot 3

As you can see in screenshot 1, I was threatened a ban for killing.

Server Requests/Suggestions / Re: i have a idea for a new ttt weapon.
« on: July 19, 2010, 07:01:39 PM »
I meant naming these weapons, not just weapons-that-carry-ammo-but-dont-have-any <?

Yeah, sorry...

I am just being a smartass, but hey, gotta get postcounts somehow.
I learned from your sig.

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