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Topics - devvybabe ♥

Pages: 1 [2]
Music / Can you believe that this is an actual song...?
« on: April 24, 2010, 05:26:38 PM »
(OFFICIAL VID) Riskay Feat. Aviance and Real - Smell Yo Dick

This is not a parody of anything but an actual serious song featured in MTV and BET by a real serious artist.
This is not like the weird al or anything but an actual legit artist......

What in the world do you think about this....?

Funny Stuffz / Zombie Survival funny screenies :)
« on: April 21, 2010, 05:40:34 PM »
Just whenever you're in zombie survival - and you see something funny, (like worldspawn deaths) take a screenie and post it on here!
I'll start us off,

Smasters spent quite some time on this ... I dunno. Prop wall of art. He said its his spiderweb XD
Zombies started to break in and eat us and I see smasters in the corner saying "I'm stuck!"

I LOL'd so hard in this picture (most of the players were getting killed and freaking out b/c zombies broke in)

General Chat / Proof that .sf|SMasters9106 hax with his pingaz.
« on: April 19, 2010, 03:43:33 PM »
So we were playing with aeolus and riding the train to the big circle dome thingy as smasters was just messing around
and climbing stuff and what not when suddenly he got on top ... and stopped the train with his PINGAZ
I was like OMFGWTHBBQH4X!!!! Just one...ONE single pingaz stopped the whole train..
and it was smasters pingaz. Do you do bench presses with your pingaz smasters!? for it to be able to stop a BIG train with 3030300330 ppl inside?!
its either H4X or WOWZA!!

Smasters clenching his proud and powerful pingaz. We salute your pingaz.

Help/Requests / Help about my spray.
« on: April 04, 2010, 11:44:11 AM »
Hey, I have a question and need help as well..
What format is the best for a spray?
My spray won't show at all for some reason..
But I can see it.
Its 256x256 and a btmap image. I tried jpeg but its fail as well.

Why won't it show ? D:
I put it in my screenshot folder and I just grabbed it from there.
I mean I can see it perfectly fine but other people can't.
Although some people are able to see it but not that many.

So what should I do?


Approved Respected Apps / Steam group invite
« on: March 21, 2010, 08:09:05 AM »
Hi! Can I please have steam group invite?
Steam Id: TelegenicKoji

I feel naked wearing the RND tag in my steam name without being a part of the RND group
D: What else should I say....? I'll edit it in laterz

General Chat / Nationalism Ftw
« on: March 19, 2010, 10:34:57 PM »
^Red Blue and Black are so tight.^
Don't sweet it I'v done it too. It's alot eayser when all it takes is a slip of your mouse.

For some reason it always reminded me of superman.

General Chat / Panic attacks - Your experience with it.
« on: March 11, 2010, 02:46:23 PM »
In class, we have been discussing panic attacks (I take a medical-based class)
It is said that it's the worst feeling a person can ever feel in his life.
Have you ever had one? If so, feel free to post about it if you want. :)

If you have experienced these in a certain amount of time at some point in your life, then you may have encountered a panic attack
    * Palpitations, or accelerated heart rate
    * Sweating
    * Trembling or shaking
    * Sensations of shortness of breath or smothering
    * Feeling of choking
    * Chest pain or discomfort
    * Nausea or abdominal distress
    * Feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faint
    * Derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonalization (being detached from oneself)
    * Fear of losing control or going crazy
    * Fear of dying
    * Paresthesias (numbness or tingling sensations)
    * Chills or hot flashes

(got this list straight from wikipedia)

Games / Scrabble...?
« on: March 08, 2010, 06:27:49 PM »
What game is it called where you shake a transparent box full of letters and set it down and attempt to make words out of it and whoever has the most words accumulated wins.

Is it scrabble? I was told differently.

They said scrabble is, a big board game where you lay letters on that you grab from a pile and attempt to create words with it.

Whats the difference?

General Chat / Being a woman in a server majority populated by guys.
« on: March 05, 2010, 07:11:40 PM »
By now I know most of you have figured I'm a young woman in my 18th years of age..
And also, you guys know I play an awful lot of games on steam. Mostly, garrysmod and I stick around RND's server - specifically, zombie survival.

I admit, It's sort of hard to cope up with the fact that people ask me weird questions or talk down on me because of my gender. An example of this would be;
"Are you really a chick?"
"Prove it. Show me your tits."

"Are you really female or are you some 40 year old guy who likes to masterbate?"
"No. I really do have a vagina"
"But you still like to masterbate right?"

And the classic;
"Stfu woman. men are talking"

I know most of you will probably say;
"Suck it up.
Get over it.
What's your point?
Where are you going with this?
What do you want us to do?
No one cares
Dumb bitch, go back to your nail polish and barbies"

I know, I know, everyone is right. And don't worry. I will get over it.
I just wanted most of you, (or the little group that cares) to understand where I'm getting at. How its like for me, from my point of view. I just tend to ignore everything. I minimize my usage of mic to avoid conflict. Or anything started. I just wanted to share how its like in my eyes. I hope you guys understand.
By no means I made this post to bitch and whine like your stereotypical girl. I'm not a stereotype. I am deviant. I apologize if it seemed like so.

Music / Anyone here listens to this band?
« on: March 05, 2010, 06:44:43 PM »
Modest mouse?
Anyone ? Anyone?
Dashboard - Modest Mouse (Lyrics)

Mapping / zs_hospital *Css Required*, Your opinion.
« on: March 04, 2010, 07:12:04 PM »
I wanted to know if you guys think its a fairly good idea to create a hospital map for zs. A very very good friend of mine is currently working on it and I pitched in some good ideas. But mainly, its all his work. I'm just putting it out there. Since no one on rnd knows him very much.

Zombie spawn is in basement. Which is also a morgue. We dont know if we'll make a second floor or not. Human spawn is outside the hospital in parking lot.

Here's a snippet of the map
Source SDK - zs_hospital_beta
This is an extremely early stage of the map, there's still 98% of the hospital to be built. The textures are nowhere near done. The map is planned to be very much detailed. There's more to come. He's working on it very hard. His name is Proudly Infected.

Funny Stuffz / Suicide? :O
« on: March 04, 2010, 05:40:55 PM »


Funny Stuffz / This implies to everyone.
« on: March 04, 2010, 05:24:39 PM »
We all do it at some point. So...

General Chat / I thought I should let you guys know;
« on: March 04, 2010, 05:13:24 PM »
Just wanted to say;

RND is doing me dirty.

Seriously guys.. This server is raping. Thanks to experienced admins. Keep it up guys.
Its overwhelming to be a part of this.

~I apologize if this is too long~
Steam id: TelegenicKoji, {ZsP} DeviantFemale

1st off, I'm obsessed with zombies. Zombie survival is my thing. Zombie survival is my addiction. I've played on several different servers BUT... random server's zs is the best I have ever played in. Since the first day, I never played zs on anyother server.

As for my name, "DeviantFemale". It automatically explains my whole personality - simplified. Im "deviant" and if you guys look it up (I'll go ahead and save you time and do it) it should say "One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards." - The reason behind this is, I dont rage. I tend to enjoy the game, not the competition. In other words, I like to have fun and just enjoy regardless of how unfairly my team is getting treated or if I'm getting cursed out.

HELPING - I love to help out. Helping out noobs figure out what to press, where to go, what to do, what to explain, I'd be more than happy to help. And playing the game fairly is my thing. I hate cheating and glitching :( It's not fair to other people and it takes out the fun in games :( This is the reason why I wrote this.

Like I said before, Im mostly on Random's zombie survival playing. I reside in America, South Carolina to be exact and I'm on zombie survival around 7pm Est to 9pm Est everyday. and during on weekends, 4pm Est to 12am Est. (Yeah,.. I know..)

Let's talk about cheating and glitching, other than the part that I hate them. This is why I'm here. I want at least a little bit of authority to tell people they cant cheat or glitch when admins or respected arent anywhere to be found. Players say; "You're not an admin or respected so stfu" - They're right. I'm in no place to tell them not to do something they want to do - I just dont think its fun when cheating and glitching comes in place. This is why I've asked you to spend a little bit of your time reading this. I would like to be an admin one day but I'm not aiming for the moon or shooting for the stars (metaphor). I probably dont deserve to be an admin but I do want to be respected. I know I'm good for that.

But mainly, I love to have fun. I play games to have fun - not compete or rage or curse anyone out. I'm comfortable to say I'm good in zombie survival, and I'm occasionally in random's ttt. Not much on there though - zombie survival is my thing. But when I'm not playing zombie survival, I occasionally get on Hidden source mod, Css, and rarely rarely on zombie panic source. (Why would I play that when I'm constantly on Zs? XD) I rarely listen to music (other than the cds in my car), but I mostly listen to techno or Modest Mouse. Thats a little something about me, I'll edit more stuff in when I think about them. But right now, I'm urging to play zs.....

Here's something short and sweet about Deviant:

Name: DeviantFemale (My real name is Mary :) )
SteamID: TelegenicKoji, {ZsP} DeviantFemale
Likes: Games, zombies, GUNS, water, sniper rifles, candy, YOUTUBE, (more to add later)
Age: 18 years old. (D.O.B; Dec. 8th, 1991)
Resides in: North America, South Carolina
Race: (in case anyone wonders) I'm asian.
Gender: Woman :)
Education: Senior in high school. (Go class of 2010)
Can be found on: Random server's zombie survival
Can be contacted at: or steam, also on

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