All Zombies- Have god mode on when in Spawn, this will stop spawn camping, A LOT.
Zombie- Have a Sprint meter, allowing zombies to sprint a bit for about 3-5 Seconds, and can not regen unless going back to spawn (Use Shift to Sprint)
Fast Zombie- Nothing
Headcrabs- nothing
Wraith- Since the wraith IS. A. GHOST. It should be able to float as in fly, maybe have a Fly meter, be able to fly for about 10-15 Seconds
Poison Zombie- None
Chem Zombie- some sort of strike like Poison zombie but not as powerfull, like 5DMG a hit
----———New Zombie Idea-------
HL Poison Zombie (Sugg By Axule)-What was that one zombie that would throw poison head crabs at you in Half-Life? I think it'd be cool if we could make it to where players had to cooperate like that. One be the poison head crab while the other is the one tossing them.
Chemical Headcrab- you should know what this does

Damage= Can throw grenades that deal damage from a range of 5-10 and burns props, Cade kits etc.
Loses 10 HP every time a grenade is ejaculated from its body
If shot= Acts like Chem it blows up and burns thigs
If this is on Noxious then never mind, I have never played on Noxious Servers soooo yeah
And this is just a suggestion so please don't rape my face.