Well, title sort-of acts as an introduction.
In my eyes, Apie shouldn't really be VIP.
I don't have any personal grudge against Apie and I actually like him, but he's way too immature to be in a position such as VIP. This doesn't just show in his behaviour in-game, but also in his kicks/bans - I often see him kick for very silly reasons both on sourcebans and in-game.
This one log that gamefreak sent me kind of proved my point even further.
Here's the log, main point of attention is Apie kicking a person for shooting someone else a few times:
Note that I'm not basing this off of the above screens purely, they're just an addition.
I talked with SMasters and Sabb about this, and we all came to the conclusion that a topic in here would probably be the best option. I also didn't want to just go herpderpdemote, I'd like to hear other people's experience first.
What do you think about Apie? Should he be demoted?