"Hey Jew." is not an offensive word. If people are offended that they are going to be traumatized about it, they tell me and I stop. Orel was not offended, and he is okay with my jokes. No one else was offended too, so there's no problem.
It can be misunderstood as a racist term, which is why we told you to stop. Instead, you continued arguing, like you are now, causing a disturbance.
To prevent others from coming into the server, finding our ranking members ignoring what they believe is offensive, sends a bad message to them. It shows that we do not care. We want a nice, controlled gaming environment. No racism, no over-the-top shit-spewing, no RDM, etc.
Respect. For you, for me, for the admins, the vips, the regs, and yes, our guests.
They are our guests, and we will treat them as such. If you are causing a problem which we think can disturb our other guests, we will take disciplinary action against you. Which is what happened.
You do not get to pick which rules you will follow, and you do not have the power to not follow a rule until someone is offended. No one does.