Remember this thread, guys?
Well... it's over. For now, anyways.
She cheated on me.
The reason I say "for now" is because I honestly think she was not doing this on her own free will, but was heavily manipulated/duped into doing it. [Not as maliciously as w/ Die Hard with a Vengeance, but still.]
Another dude entered the group of friends I hang out with. Quite a few months later, she gets a very faint attraction to him that she is aware of, but controls. The de promises not to interfere with us, and our relationship specifically.
In the last few weeks that has gotten a bit more ... outward, and harder for her to control, which upsets her as well as I. She is not emotionally unstable, but prone to making bad choices. A few weeks ago she talked about getting help emotionally, to control herself to presumably save our relationship from falling down a pitfall. She would talk, at times, about how helpful this guy has been up until yesterday where I walked in from class to find her with her arm around him [with the breaking news following]. That night she removed me from he friends list, blocked me on skype, and I assume doesn't want to communicate on cell phone.
All that time, cal me crazy but I feel like he was manipulating her into betraying me. When I talked to a few of my friends, outlining ALL those facts, they seemed to agree.
Question is, what to do? I mean, on one hand the betrayal is deep, but on the other hand it is painfully fucking obvious that it was largely manipulation that played into this, caused this. I mean, IF I lived in a perfect world, I'd get my other friends - friendly to him - to hear the facts and hopefully force a confession out of the little asswipe, but I guess that would be asking too much.