Probably most of the north would go to Europe, Canada or Asia,
the new America would probably invade Canada at one point or another,
and America would do whatever the hell it felt like; including slavery among other things.
"The new America would probably invade Canada at one point or another..."
That would be interesting to watch ._.
Like the new CSA invades Canada- oh but wait, in this timeline, Canada is still ruled by the Red Coats cause Canada is Britain's babby... But then even Canada isn't even officially Canada yet.
That could mean infinite outcomes for the Government and whether or not the Former Northern USA Melds with Canada or completely took over the British/French Coloknees.
And as you know, the incredible tension would occur; Natives, Francophones, Anglophones, Former Slaves, and now the Former USA Citizens all under one roof. Hot Damn. (Not to Forget like other Minority Citizens and stuff but ofc History Books like to put emphasis on the whole Slavery thing during the 1800s. And you know, just general racial tension. Slavery is recent, and the Natives are probably biased because of the things that did happen, and it doesn't even have to be the "white peoples" that are racist, could be the other way around. Doesn't even have to be everybody to be something monumental, just like real life ._.)
But you never know, the off chance that somehow everyone just holds hands is nice.
ANYWAYS let's assume that for the most part everyone holds hands in the newly-Reformed Borealia- I mean Canada
(Well Canada could be any other name because the Civil war Ends in 1865, and The Confedorashun of what is now Canada occurs in 1867; any of these drastic changes like refugees from the CSA can change things, votes, rights, everything, right? Correct me as I am not American or know American History like here for obvious raisins.) So then, let's just Call it Borealia for kicks cause it's Alternate land and everything's a backwards fuck. Assume Quebec is still Frenchy and Ontario is still all Britsy, and Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are still just chillin as they are generally. What do the CSA peoples do when Britain and France get the fuck mad at them?
Do they call in those navies? New World War? World Wars? That would be something to see. Like, imagine if CSA invaded Anglo-Borealia, and then turned "us" against Quebec. This launches the former Triple Entente into Chaos as Former Allies France and Britain Beat eachother shitless for betraying 'eachother', even though we know why this shit happens. And then relations dissove (If there were any at the time) Between Ontario and Quebec.
Would there be a Hitler-Like figure during the invasion and annexations? Killing off the French Colonists/Maitee/Native/Black/Asian/Hispanic etc peoples like WWII? And what would happen if CSA Rapes Borealia for it's land and resources and work force to invade Mexico, and then South America?
What even about the Central Powers? Do -They- turn into like America during WWI and WWII (Bombs, Winning, General Awesomeness etc)? After all, Germany (Because well Germany was pretty much head of everything after what was Austria-Hungary just told them to shoot someoen in the faec) DID get like the U-boat and Incredible Tanks... and Machine guns. Even before Hitler and dose Nazis.
And gas, however unethical. We all know how effective those were. Imagine if they honed it because it was necessary to stop riots? Benevolent Police Nation? (Is that even Possible?) Are they then the force that negotiates with Russia to upholster peace due to new arising circumstances (Obviously, who's an enemy if the guys on the same team start fighting next door?) and then develop what is a splitting image of American Pride, or does Germany go for the ruthless "Take over the world" Deal and accomplish it by using Russia and Squashing everyone else?
And what does Russia do, then, if the Central Powers don't do jack shit? Who do they halp if they choose to do so? What about Communism, too? They've got big armies so I doubt for anything that France is going to force them to fight for France (as France is pretty much on land, unlike the Silly Englishmen).
DO they even aspire to 'take over the world' when the initial conflict for WWI doesn't happen as it did because 1865-1914 never happened as it did (and thus the idea is never coaxed out of them due to wartime), or does the idea come about anyways regardless? Does Hitler just become a painter? A good one? lol
Something to think about.