I was just wondering, what would America be like NOW if the south won the civil war long time ago? Post below!!
I ask this because recently, proudly was working on this old couples mansion who was having a renovation. Their house was no ordinary mansion. It was one of those massive plantation homes back then. And you will be able to tell from the first house of the neighborhood that this area was a well off plantation home who was very very successful during the time it was operating.
Just from the looks of the neighborhood, there are absolutely no race other than white. Proudly only assumed this so he just brushed it off, but the eeriness only grew when he and a couple of co-workers started fixing up the house.
The old couple greeted them (proudly being white and another coworker being white along with another who was black) but they seemed kind of uneasy realizing that one of them is black. They entered the house and it just got even weirder.
There were countless statues of monkeys in... let's say slave position carrying baskets (that seemed kind of heavy because of the position of the statue) that were empty and this is where they put their keys. They were carrying baskets or holding some kind of large bag similar to those you pick fruits with and hold against the waist. I mean these monkeys werent even adorable little monkeys, they were too personified and it contained more features of a human being (other than the face) than a regular cute little monkey.
They got to the bedroom and sure enough they started to feel even more creeped out when they saw several artifacts from the civil war and confederacy written in latin. This includes a cuff button that said something in latin about the confederacy.
By this time their black coworker just decided to go out and have a breath of fresh air when a group of white children were playing around the mansion started staring at him.. and called him out and started playing tricks with him and they were basically being rude. Not sure if they're just kids being kids but when proudly went out there and the black guy went in, they called him sir and left him alone.
Not assuming anything but there can be a possibility that these fucking people could be part of the KKK or some kind of cult.
I was wondering if .. well, if the south DID win the civil war...
would I be a slave....

?? LOL.... i dunno man.

I do live in South Carolina, where white people are extremely racist to anyother race other than their own.
We get evil looks from people just because we are an interracial couple.