Ok, let me clear some things up:
Ruben came in, did what he always does, then accidently'd some players.
One of those players (unknowingly?) abuses his glitch.
Null says hes doing it, while hes doing it.
Ruben and Sabb ignore what players say.
Ruben Sabb apparently did not hear null say "WTF your cheating to call out a T???" and "I cant kill this noclip guy" on the mic.
Null ask again about what happened.
Ruben and Sabb still ignore.
Ruben never think it important to clarify in-game that he did not cheat.. it was all just a big joke.
Null ask 3 times what sort of admin Ruben is.
No response.
Null not amused.
Null files a report instead of raging.
Null still not understanding the whole "super-admin" thing why people cant just realize what actually happened, and why they are too prideful to just admit they fucked up, and say sorry. And why so many other people cant understand this and think they need to defend their "Super admin", as if he needs their defense.
Internet =/= to real life?
While your statement is partially true. (the internet exists within real life, and therefore is part of real life if you want to get more technical.) You are smart enough to know that foojack's intent wasn't to imply an artificial equality between a system and a system contained within a system, but to illustrate the fallacy that doing something all the time does not make it right.
His point was the same as what I've already stated. Just because something is fun, it doesn't make it right for (possibly unintended) repercussions of that event to break the rules you enforce.
...If you have a problem with Ruben, take it up with him, or with Coolz. Otherwise, I don't see why this thread is still even open.
Why is this the sort of response after someone posts disagreeing with the majority?
Sabb is too awesome to do that sort of thing it is beneath him he is just a ninja that is all 
I agree that it is possible, Sabb was unaware of what was happaning. Perhaps he couldn't hear my mic? Perhaps he was unable to read chat? Perhaps they were both just to busy trying to correct a problem, they hadnt realized the other problems they created. It's just a shame he is unable to read and understand. As I've already stated, this whole thing could have been solved in-game if they would have just said something. It could be here too, if Sabb would actually read, and understand what the problem actually is.