But then it becomes more of a race to who can get the biggest, better guns :c
My guns are huge.....HUUGE
Alright, how about this:
Endless rounds
No weapon upgrades through kills
Every 1000th hitpoint of damage is done you get a upgrade
Upgrades are as followed: 1st, +20 hp, 2nd +30 hp, 3rd random pistol upgrade, 4th +35 hp, 5th +40 hp, 6th SMG, 7th full armor, 8th full heal and small speed boost, 9th +60 hp, 10th +70 hp (and then it goes on like that)
This is a terrible idea but just making a base for it :L
ALSO, no carp hammers, everyone spawns with knife and owen's, goomba's disabled, no ammo regen ,infinite pistol ammo and 1000 SMG ammo.