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How to earn so much forum respect it flows out your ass! With pictures!
--- Quote from: Jman on September 25, 2011, 03:26:03 PM ---Just thought I'd put my two cents in, whether it's wanted or not. OP is clearly misunderstanding as he thinks Snivy (just using him as an example), got a shit load of +1's just because his video was hilarious. Sure, in Snivy's case, it made me laugh for like a minute straight. However, when you look at excessive +1's, or even massive -1's for that matter, you can clearly see it's more of - as Peetah stated - a bandwagon effect. If you don't already know what the bandwagon effect is, google it.
Usually what happens is that people view a thread and see certain people +1/-1'ing it and responding on how funny/stupid the post(s) is(are), and then make it into a trend to +1/-1 the OP (or a certain post), or even in some cases, every post in the thread. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying +1/-1'ing any post ever is jumping on a bandwagon. What I am saying though, is that you should be on the lookout for random posts that just happen to be +1'd by the same people who usually do tend to easily jump on bandwagons (not going to give names) and you'll see what I mean.
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Great explanation my friend.
It would be kinda dumb if someone DID say that...You're just trying to explain a point ._.
@The youhavingnofun
--- Quote from: Goat on September 25, 2011, 09:13:22 AM ---
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--- Quote from: Hotgreensoldier on September 25, 2011, 06:49:54 PM ---It would be kinda dumb if someone DID say that...You're just trying to explain a point ._.
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Spoiler: Meanwhile in another thread with the bandwagon effect: (click to show/hide)
--- Quote from: Jman on September 01, 2011, 01:48:42 PM ---Really... 8 +1's over an unfunny Portal reference?
Inb4 I get -1'd for being the only one who doesn't think it's funny like everyone else does apparently.
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--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on September 01, 2011, 01:52:13 PM ---
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--- Quote from: General Socialism on September 01, 2011, 01:58:17 PM ---Okay jman, we all know your lack of humor, let us have fun :3
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--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on September 01, 2011, 06:23:06 PM ---
If I don't think it's funny, no one should!
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--- Quote from: Jman on September 25, 2011, 07:46:57 PM ---Spoiler: Meanwhile in another thread with the bandwagon effect: (click to show/hide)
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Actually, in that other one you didn't make as much of an attempt to make a point then you did on this one.
You kinda just expressed your disspointment :L
Not saying you SHOULDN'T do that but it wasn't exactly the same thing.
Why would anyone waste time to grow an e-dick?
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