1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)STEAM_0:0:42051465
2. Players NicknameWatashi The Spy#
3. Your in-game name=BTD= Pilot
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)Trouble in Terrorist Town
5. Description of the event(s)The round started - I was a Traitor. We were playing on ttt_artic_complex, which most of you know, is a pretty big map. I ran around in circles out in the open for a few seconds before picking up a weapon. Then I started to run toward a house so I wasn't out in the open.
Watashi suddenly calls me out, saying that I was shooting/killing someone - I had not. My gun was still fully loaded, and I hadn't even looked at anyone wrong. I get sniped by Watashi and he claims he's innocent.
Now here's the problem; I had done absolutely nothing traitorous. I quickly suspected ghosting and went to his profile to check. I found one of my T-buddies, Toxin, on his friends list.
For the record, here is the damagelog, event log, and scoreboard.
Immediately after the round ended, I asked Watashi if he had ghosted. He responded, "I didn't ghost, I had good reason," and became very defensive from that point on. He then proceeded to call me a "rager" and a "baby" and to get over it.
"ΘβΛΜΛςτσΙξΜץТV" then begins to pitch in other hateful comments, though he had nothing to do with the situation. If anyone has played TTT recently, you probably know ΘβΛΜΛςτσΙξΜץТV is a little hateful towards everyone.
Watashi then proceeds to tell me that "I should have done something when the guy near me was being killed." Apparantley a guy
behind me was being sniped. For one, I didn't know anyone was around me; second, what am I suppose to do to help a guy being sniped? Immediately face the sniper's direction and fire a magic bullet?
He continues to push this argument, and then continues his name-calling of "rager" and "crybaby". Soon after, he tries to get the server to kill me by "crowbarring me to death." I believe I capture some of this in the demo below. Most people just started pushing me with the crowbar because I have pretty high karma, but I'm sure his intention was to kill.
See the demo for the "disrespect" part of the ban, I believe it's very self explanatory.
6. Reason for banGhosting, disrespectful to both players and server.
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)The demo below displays some of Watashi's disrespect towards not only myself, but the server.
As a side note, you all know I don't make low quality reports or rage reports. I felt the incident warranted some type of report, be it for ghosting, disrespect, or both.