Who's joking?
I have suicidal tendencies, you realize?
TBH, I'd rather die than put up with the shit I deal with on a daily basis, but I feel I have too much to live for.
And this is why I'm such an asshole to you.
You don't have suicidal tendencies, nor have you been clinically depressed. You merely hunger for attention.
And the rest of you guys who take his shit seriously, stop being such a hipster and read a fucking book.
Suicidal teenagers tend to keep it to themselves. If they want help, they'd try asking someone they trust IRL. They don't post a thread going "gais, im gonna commit suicide kthx" then reply a day later going "TANKS I FEEL BETTER." Instead, he'd start withdrawing from the people around him, including those he knows online. He would stop talking to his friends, stop playing vidya, and would most likely do something like trying to
give away his steam account, along with other types of "final arrangements".
Another thing he tends to do is BRAG about these things. Anyone, suicidal or not, wouldn't go around saying "Oh, yeah. I want to kill myself. How are you today?", especially not in the connotation sanity does.
I don't know whether or not this Leukemia shit's legit, but what I DO know is that if I was just diagnosed with a life-threatening disease like this, I'd be fucking devastated. I wouldn't go to strangers on the internet and say "LOL GAIS, I HAS CANCER BUT DONT WURRY THERES ONLY A 25% CHANCE OF DEATH KTHX."
Theres only two likely conclusions here,
A. He's just doing this shit for the attention, like he tends to do.
B. He does have Leukemia, and they caught it early on, meaning theres almost NO chance of death, and he's trying to milk it.
You can tell what a person is thinking, feeling, and even who they
are just by the way they speak/type. With the use of pronouns, sentence structure, using possessive words like "mine", you can find out all sorts of wonderful things. Just look at the way he speaks when he's "depressed" and when he's "okay".
I'm sorry for this wall of text, but at this point, I've just had it with his bullshit.