Author Topic: Watashi - Ghosting / Disrespectful  (Read 696 times)

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Re: Watashi - Ghosting / Disrespectful
« Reply #90 on: September 18, 2011, 10:28:46 AM »

I feel guilty only for being mean to Pilot after he complained about me for a while and calling him a cry baby, I am being rude due to the fact that when I get racist remarks towards me or constant harassment. I do not go and ban hammer everyone I give them a warning, but when Pilot gets shot for giving himself away as being a T all of a sudden. I get the whole server against me even people I never met before and they were not even there,  who would not be mad towards a person that goes on the server and stalks you everyday. Maybe even the fact that when he is T he tracks me down and stabs me as his first victim every match I play with him whenever he is on.

As you can see a few pages back I actually apologised to him for calling him a baby during that game but I think his maturity level is lower then 5. Also the person that was sniping the guy in front of him even came on to explain what happened and how Pilot for 100% fact gave himself away as being a T. Hell I'm sure if anyone was looking through a scout scope and saw that would shoot him on the spot.

I am being rude because Pilot got a whole bunch of VIPs to accuse me of his false report when in fact they were not even there to witness the type of pardon my language  (SHIT) he was pulling after I shot him.

I loved your server and community I been actually playing on it 14+ hours a day because it was the best friendliest server I ever found. But once I shot Pilot the server level of best friendliest started to lower it self, sure there are some great people on who I enjoy having the company of during the game. Yet there are some that I honestly wonder about: HOW IN HELL DID THEY GET THEIR RANK UP!?!?!?

I even had some VIPS make racist remarks towards me at times for no reason, you know I did not report I just said it is just a game there is no reason to be hating anyone we are just messing around with each other. It happens every day but when it happened to pilot he literally looked like he had a period.

Anyway you will not be hearing from me  so I do not really care if you ban me or not, I am gonna go look for a friendlier server  that does not turn into a pack of dogs just because some 5 year old failed as a T  and got shot then after complaining got called a baby. Also do not ban other people just because some 5 year old again pardon my language (DIP-SHIT!!!) can not handle loosing.

This is in no way addressed towards you General Socialism,Snivy,iTzAzN, Sora50, Jimonions, Tomcat and others that are actually quiet top notch guys, it is addressed to a few really disgusting and sickening people that really do not deserve the ranks they currently occupy.

Anyway last words for the road I will be writing a proper review of this community/server and posting it on all Gmod sites so that people do not need to deal with the same pardon my language again (SHIT!!!). Also so that they do not wreck their nerves over the maturity level of several members that occupy this community/server.

So General Socialism I hope you understand why I am so mad on this thread.

I bid you fare well and hope this pardon my language (SHIT) will not be allowed to happen to other loyal members of your community/server.
Tl;dr This community sucks because I think so.

Also about that VIP thingy, just because someone +1 this report, it doesn't have to mean that they are friends with Pilot.
You're thinking that "it's not my fault that they dislike me, it's theirs", whether you do or not I do believe you had a chance to proof Pilot wrong in this report for us if you honestly haven't done anything against the rules, but judging by your actions in this thread, you're the "5 year old".

Well, goodbye then I guess and I hope you didn't took my post offensively.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 10:31:34 AM by Prox »

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Re: Watashi - Ghosting / Disrespectful
« Reply #91 on: September 18, 2011, 11:26:52 AM »
Care to take any pics of VIP's being racist? I don't think any VIP's would be disrespectful to anyone considering they were handpicked by admins and other people in this community. It's not like you pay $5 for VIP or Admin unlike other servers ::)

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Re: Watashi - Ghosting / Disrespectful
« Reply #92 on: September 18, 2011, 03:14:28 PM »
He's completely immature and just blames everyone else for his actions. The random people who are coming are probably people that he spewed lies to in-game to prevent him from getting banned, even though he probably lied to them.

Otherwise he's making alts which is perma bannable (From what I've heard)

He's saying we're being racist when all we did was +1 this report. As Snivy said, he's just being paranoid and is getting himeself into more trouble. I think he should take a break from being on the servers and forum. Can an admin please lock this soon to prevent further shitstorming?

P.S. Actually, you were the one causing the server to go against Pilot. Pilot just informed other members of you being suspicious and you tried to use that against him.
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Re: Watashi - Ghosting / Disrespectful
« Reply #93 on: September 18, 2011, 03:34:54 PM »
I'm racist. I think all Hanar are just big, stupid jellyfish.

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Re: Watashi - Ghosting / Disrespectful
« Reply #94 on: September 18, 2011, 03:37:54 PM »
How about everyone just drop it and "why can't we be friends *musicnote*"

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Re: Watashi - Ghosting / Disrespectful
« Reply #95 on: September 18, 2011, 04:02:12 PM »
Im not even a friend of pilot, i hated him as i -1 his vip app lols

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Re: Watashi - Ghosting / Disrespectful
« Reply #96 on: September 18, 2011, 04:51:53 PM »
Case closed

(JBanned) .:RND`=- DJ myppl8: if i eva become supa admin id ban moo and make hima guest