Bump.(sorry about it)
I have been playing in stranded for a while and i would love if the admins hear me out
1.) A new map
Why: The Current map GMS_rollinghills (i think) is a map small holes in it
what i mean by this is that my friend once smacked me with a "cabinet" accidentally
and he smacked me under the map where i found my other cabinets, Since cabinets
always fall into the map and its hard to keep it on land and alot of items can also sink
into the map
I suggest the Following maps:
Basic needs = Wood, rock and ground
-Features: Antlions (for meat)
Basic needs
- The main purpose is its a big map with antlions, spawn is a spawn room where there are 4 teleporters 1 of these teleporters leads to one with antlions so players can choose if they wish to survive with antlions or without
-Features: No special features, only basic needs
- The main purpose of this map it has alot of islands and its small and has many little island each with basic needs, i suggested this map because of player Independence and wanting to be alone and not share their resource this map is perfect
I highly recommend these maps
- Reducing fall damage
- Box resource limit ( so no player can have 90 boxes lying around the map that hes too lazy to clean up)
- Removing the tool "lights" or "lamps" (people then to put lamps with a rope then prop minge with it since the lights fly around and kill any near it when the prop is moved)
- Reducing Price of iron on props (rather expensive just to set up a house of out iron)
- Cabinets not spawning half way into the ground
This is just a random suggestion for more weapons
Factory: Works like furnace but you toss ore in instead of pressing E on it and waiting for it to smelt
Drill: Automatically but slowly mines for user and user gains no XP
Merchant: Maybe just a stall, but anyone could use iron (as a currency) to maybe trade for items they haven't reached the level or cant obtain in the game
Super Workbench: Combines all the blueprints from all workbenches into one
Trip wire: Damages anything that touches it (maybe could be used to mark territory)
Hope my ideas and suggestion are at least taken into consideration.
My main request is the change in maps please