I remeber in 8th grade we had this one computer room full of macs
Lets just say 15 of them got the mac version of BSOD every 15 minutes
In the cad lab (dual booting macs) we changed all the start up sounds to goat sex and played Garry's Mod all day
Turned 2 old windows computers fans off caused new macs to appear
Took laptop to school in 7th grade and then hacked their wpa WiFi password
Got money for password from iPhone/iPod Touch fags.
Made a C program that just sent out a virus to 4 computers with spammed at intsa high volume tourretes guy sounds( BULL SHIT, PISS, BOB SAGGEST, YOU DONT THINK THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SOUNDS LIKE CHEWBACCA TAKING A SHIT)
And yet i still work in the schools IT department