Oh, lord...
Gained a reputation for wandering off in elementary.
Was famously refused field trips to the Everglades and the fifth grade field trip to Orlando's Disney Animal Kingdom because of the above reason, they never gave a refund of the Animal Kingdom field trip.
In 6th grade, every day for a week I put a milk carton at the edge of a set of stairs, knowing somebody would kick it down. Five days in a row it was kicked down, and they caught me when I tried to do it the following week.
In 7th grade my classmates had this old racist redneck lady called "Mrs. Whitfield". She became the butt of every joke and was subject to our torment as she did to us, the poor lady. We'd yell out stuff like "PENIS" and "SHIT" and "BITCH" in her class and she wouldn't notice. At some point (this was two periods before I had her) I snuck in while she was having lunch (third period was lunch period) and mashed a banana in her coffee and unplugged everything.
I also started a trend of "racist Mrs. Whitfield" jokes. People would make jokes about her before, but none concerning her racism.
In 8th grade I wrote "the cake is a lie" and "the Advisors are watching" all over the school. It took them six months to find out I was writing the cake thing, they never found out about the Advisors thing. I know from my sister kids are still finding Advisor messages in new places.
I also started a small trend of letting overlarge belts hang without knowing it.
I was good in ninth grade, though.