how old are you again?
Really now.
If you really say you don't want to feed the trolls, just don't say anything.
Say what you need to say, then be done with it. Attacking someone is a pretty miserable way to go about things.
Stereotyping someone because of their age does nothing but inflame the situation. I've met plenty of 5 year olds who were better behaved than some 30 year olds I know.
guess you never heard my motto.....
yet young enough to fail at trolling (or just at grammar)
im done here
Alright, I'm going to outline a few issues I have with this report.1. Izzet, do not do any sort of editing on evidence videos. I'm sure you meant to save time, but it would be very easy to take situations out of context by some crafty editing, and skewing the situation. So if your unsure on how much to post, just post the whole video. If it's 30 min long and its only a single event just go a minuet or so on either side of the infraction.
You are free to highlight things in the video, but refrain from zooming in and cropping out the screen.
Lastly Source Demos are the best way to go when it comes to reports. (Here's a video on how to record them)
How to record/play a demo in Counter Strike Source2. Do not
Request people to be demoted. If the administration team feels an infraction justifies a demotion it will be part of the punishment. This isn't a report buffet where you get to pick and choose the punishments you feel people deserve.
It presents a conflict of interest, as someone who is first handedly involved in a matter will be emotionally invested, and will naturally have a skewed opinion on the matter.
3. This goes out to everyone
Represent the facts and be done with a report.
Too many times I read a report and it's filled with such things as "I heard from a friend, that at some point in time he did something" or "I feel this person should get permanently banned"
All this does it just make it difficult for us to come and make judgement calls. As we have to filter out off-handed statements and spam.
This last bit is just my opinon as I cant speak for everone on the administration staff.
Reports.It doesn't really do us any good if all you do is +1 or -1 a report.
Were not asking your opinion of how you feel about a person. We are asking for evidence of a Infraction against the server rules.
If you have some comment you feel you need to make about it. Make it, but this isn't a contest on how popular a player is.
As for the infractions by Civil.RDM is against the server rules. This means if you just go around shooting/hitting everyone in the server it ruins the gameplay.
If you start to get board, just leave the server and move on to somthing else. Going around killing people for the heck of it ruins it for everyone else.
In addition it is in the rules to be respectful to other players, so I would highly recommend thinking a bit more before you say potentially hurtful things to people.
As such I am banning you for 1 week.
If you are caught repeat offending there is a very good chance you will get demoted from regular and possibly be put on the blacklist.
So just be respectful to other players, and don't go off killing random people in TTT. If you can do this, you can play in these servers for as long as you like.
>Xrain viewing the topic
Was I just mentioning somthing about spam?