Well, after awhile of thinking and screwing around, I came up with the idea to make a map with trenches. Seemed pretty simple and not to hard. I was wrong...
The first map I tried, it was just crap.
The second, soon after spending an hour on it, I tested it out and quickly realized it was more of a maze than a connection of trenches, so I threw out that idea.
The map I'm working on now shows some promise, even though I haven't done much to it.
Basically the way I'm trying to make my map is to have an open space in the middle, then trenches going out of it.
Once I get the trenches outlined and everything, I'm going to make underground rooms at random. Maybe 3 or 4 at max.
To make it seem more real, I'm gonna make it a muddy/dark/dirty map.
Check List:-
Outline the trenches- Add underground bunkers and possibly an HQ on each side.
- Add detail to the brushes (Displacement)
- Add craters
- Choose skybox
- Add props
- Configure lighting
- Add rain
*Sorry if this seems out of order, I'm making this up as I goRight Now I've gotten the outline of the big area in the middle, though I still have to do some touches on one entrance and then add another on the other side. There on I'll be adding trenches, trying to make it not look so confusing.

I'll add more pictures as I go.
Any ideas, suggestions, and/or constructive critisizm would greatly be appreciated.