
Second Vote: First = Keep Banned by 1

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Author Topic: [Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal  (Read 1366 times)

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Re: [Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal
« Reply #60 on: June 08, 2011, 07:13:49 PM »
Dont ya think hes w8ted long enough?
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Re: [Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal
« Reply #61 on: June 08, 2011, 07:32:54 PM »
Am I the only one who doesn't hold anything against Xexxar right now? Sure you annoyed the hell out of us with your "HAY WUT EXPENSIVE HARDWARE THAT YOU CAN'T AFFORD CAN I GET?" and your desperate words...but I think you deserve a second chance. He was one of the higher respected in the community at one point I believe...

Okay, you people can kill me for saying this, but I think you're being a little hard on him.
He may be beating around the bush trying not to come right out and admit to what he had done wrong, and I understand it's kind of a big deal what he had done, and that those offences are taken quite seriously, but you aren't really giving him a chance.
Just because he isn't maybe 100% honest, doesn't mean that he's going to cause problems again. Hell, for all you know, the reason he may be avoiding admitting in every post every thing that he did do is because he's guilty for it and wants people to forget about it.

I'm not saying that's the case, and I'm not saying Xexxar is an angel, or that everyone is so horrible. I'm just trying to prove a point.

But think about it for a second, from the very start of the thread everyone just attacked Xexxar giving him no chance to really actually have a proper discussion. Sure, Xexxar didn't handle all posts too well, but that will happen to everyone, no one is perfect and people often make poor decisions when under pressure.

What I'm trying to say:
Allow Xexxar to voice his opinion and to be so offensive/defensive about everything, and just give him a chance to talk.
If everyone's just going to try and be so blunt and attack Xexxar about every little thing, the only thing that's going to come out of it is people getting pissed off at each other, and simply because the community can't handle the situation, Xexxar will be denied, because like last time, everyone will just argue on and on about every little thing until the thread is locked and denied.

I know everyone's going to kill me for saying all of that, but just try to understand what I'm saying before you do.

oh dear god both of this

Also, my input.


Every time I played with Xexxar, he was a coolguy who was very good at the game and always helped the newbies. Perfect VIP material. Then there was his downfall, which we all know and I wasn't there to experience.

Typical rise and downfall. Now that this length of time has passed, let's give him another chance. He is easily not insulting anybody and trying to be as unbiased as possible, attempting a method of appeasement and defense.

Let us give him a chance.

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Re: [Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal
« Reply #62 on: June 08, 2011, 07:37:45 PM »

It doesn't show you having global mod or admin.


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Re: [Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal
« Reply #63 on: June 08, 2011, 07:43:33 PM »
It doesn't show you having global mod or admin.

He's a language moderator.

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Re: [Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal
« Reply #64 on: June 08, 2011, 07:44:11 PM »


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Re: [Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal
« Reply #65 on: June 08, 2011, 09:16:04 PM »
I'm not getting involved with this again...it's too juvenile

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Re: [Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal
« Reply #66 on: June 08, 2011, 11:07:07 PM »
> See's poll with a troll option
> I'm the only one who clicked it

Well, this is embarrassing.


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Re: [Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal
« Reply #67 on: June 09, 2011, 04:22:19 AM »
Then why do you not like people using it?

It's actually spelled "f - a - g - o - t" or "f - a - g - g - o - t," and according to Webster's means a bundle of sticks tied together, or a bundle of piece or iron or steel to be welded together. British school boys were often made to do menial tasks like collect sticks to be bundled into *******, thus, younger, less physically powerful boys began to be called "*******." The term has also been used in slang to mean homosexual or effeminate or the bottom/receiving partner of a BD/SM relationship, but has sort of evolved over time to mean more like stupid, ineffective, or a loser.

You see, Frank is a homosexual and doesn't like the word ''F'', but we still like him the way he is. So that's why I usually abstain from using it. (If your a homophobic then gtfo)

Thank you Marie for the sprite.

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Re: [Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal
« Reply #68 on: June 09, 2011, 05:10:12 AM »
just got a few questions and comments to ur Q&A

Q: Why cant you play on the servers?
A: Alot of people don't realize this. I was not banned for hacking on rnd.

i believe it was part of the ban that was given, for hacking and threatening etc etc right?

I asked Ruban (Who was a very good friend of mine) if I could be permabanned, or at least banned for a long time. He asked if I wanted to do something before I left. I said I will troll with my hacks for a bit, just for some lols before leaving. He said okay.

i would prefer ruben clarify this in this post

So I went on the server and did my shit, we are talking like 20 minutes. I looked back on the forums and I and everyone pretty much got butthurt over the whole thing and kids being stupid. So I thought about ddosing the servers. Explaining why I was mad to some people who obviously leaked the information.

why would that be the first thing that comes to your head when other people annoy you? do you think, hey this kid in the mall is annoying... lets take this bat and beat his face or something

I never did anything but I was still pretty much accused for everything. I only wanted to take a break from the servers, everyone blew it out of proportion, including me.

also you cannot be accused of something that you have done and have clearly stated in this thread
threatening servers and hacking isnt being blown out of proportion, its what happened

also i wanna toss an opinion, you are trying to win the communities approval to rejoin and be able to play
taking an aggressive stance towards everyone and attacking what other people say doesnt help your situation
I would have instead, just acknowledged every ones opinion

Offline Xexxar

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Re: [Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal
« Reply #69 on: June 09, 2011, 08:11:42 AM »
just got a few questions and comments to ur Q&A

i believe it was part of the ban that was given, for hacking and threatening etc etc right?

i would prefer ruben clarify this in this post

why would that be the first thing that comes to your head when other people annoy you? do you think, hey this kid in the mall is annoying... lets take this bat and beat his face or something

also you cannot be accused of something that you have done and have clearly stated in this thread
threatening servers and hacking isnt being blown out of proportion, its what happened

also i wanna toss an opinion, you are trying to win the communities approval to rejoin and be able to play
taking an aggressive stance towards everyone and attacking what other people say doesnt help your situation
I would have instead, just acknowledged every ones opinion

Originally, I had just asked ruban to permaban me for, I didnt want to play anymore, he didnt get around to it before coolz banned me for, hacking, not wanting to be here, and threatening servers.

I may be a bit off, but ruban and I used to play with programs and share hacks like baconbot. He even let me test my little program I made on ttt once for like 5 seconds. Besides, Hacking on the servers was still only about 20 minutes.

I was stupid back then, and I dont remember everything that happened. Some of my good friends were saying stuff, I just was mad.

Your right, Its my fault. Which I will re-point out again.
Its my fault for my actions.

I try to point out peoples opinions, but none against me has really be asked in a way I can really answer. Most of them involve things like,



He hasn't matured the way he needs to be. Its not polite to randomly send messages to all your friends on steam 24/7 bugging them about rejoining rNd.

Which I can tell you is honestly 100% false. The last time I messaged someone about being unbanned was 2 months ago when I tried getting unbanned the first time.


It points out it doesn't change anything if I am unbanned or not.

I'll just leave this here.
Quoted like this.
Because it looks too beautiful to not do it.

Things like this, how should I acknowledge an opinion like this?
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 08:30:53 AM by Xexxar »


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Re: [Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal
« Reply #70 on: June 09, 2011, 10:41:47 AM »
Things like this, how should I acknowledge an opinion like this?
You ignore it and move on because people can be stubborn and juvenile.

The point of making a thread for an appeal isn't to disagree with everything that everyone says, if you want to get anywhere it's better to try and honestly understand what they're saying and try to calmly and respectably prove them otherwise if it's a negative opinion on you that you disagree with.

Also, for the people who still can't seem to get over the fact that Frank gets offended by being using faggot:

No, I don't mean for Frank to get over it, I mean for the people that keep bitching about him bitching about it.

Frank is simply offended by that stuff FOR OBVIOUS REASONS and I honestly don't blame him.
If you respect Frank you should limit the use of the word simply so you don't offend him, which is what I do.

I still do it sometimes, because it's just somewhat habit for me really, and I try to only use it in a joking manor, but I keep in mind that what I say may or may not offend people. I respect Frank, so I try and watch what I say around him so I don't offend him.

If you people can agree with that point, you should do the same.

Otherwise, I think knowing that Frank is offended by it and people continuing to use it in clearly offensive manors is irresponsible and simply juvenile... unless it's just a case where you really mean no harm by it or haven't thought it through or such a way or something.

Seriously though, think of it for a second. We all know what faggot is used for, so I'm not going to go through explaining that, but it's similar to racial slurs that are intended to be harmful. Not that most of you people don't use offensive racial slurs, Frank included, but just sit and think of how stupid it is for a second, and why it might piss Frank off...

Hopefully the rest of the thread will actually be relevant debates/arguments or w/e you want to call it now...

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Re: [Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal
« Reply #71 on: June 09, 2011, 10:44:22 AM »
Just curious, werent you an admin when I used to play?


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Re: [Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal
« Reply #72 on: June 09, 2011, 10:48:03 AM »
Listen Xexxar, this is the last thing i am going to say something important to you, Coolzeldad takes Hacking and DDOS'ing very very VERY seriously, and you explained in your posts that you did that when you were about to leave or take a "break". Now, you can't just ddos anything just for "fun", their must be a reason behind it and you arn't telling us, until then why are you wanting to be unbanned? Your actions speak louder than your words, and you wanting to be unbanned will cause more trouble with you and the community. So why fight for it Xexxar? their has been a lot of threads of you wanting to return, and you never were unbanned yet.
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Prox: Thread status: memed.

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Re: [Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal
« Reply #73 on: June 09, 2011, 10:50:14 AM »
their has been a lot of threads of you wanting to return, and you never were unbanned yet.
This is the second one.
Since his ban.
9 months ago

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Re: [Approved] Xexxar Ban Appeal
« Reply #74 on: June 09, 2011, 11:22:31 AM »
Originally, I had just asked ruban to permaban me for, I didnt want to play anymore, he didnt get around to it before coolz banned me for, hacking, not wanting to be here, and threatening servers.

I may be a bit off, but ruban and I used to play with programs and share hacks like baconbot. He even let me test my little program I made on ttt once for like 5 seconds. Besides, Hacking on the servers was still only about 20 minutes.

I was stupid back then, and I dont remember everything that happened. Some of my good friends were saying stuff, I just was mad.

Your right, Its my fault. Which I will re-point out again.
Its my fault for my actions.

I try to point out peoples opinions, but none against me has really be asked in a way I can really answer. Most of them involve things like,


Which I can tell you is honestly 100% false. The last time I messaged someone about being unbanned was 2 months ago when I tried getting unbanned the first time.


I'll just leave this here.
Quoted like this.
Because it looks too beautiful to not do it.

Things like this, how should I acknowledge an opinion like this?
Before doing this you told me you'd do it. I don't see how you aren't doing what Franklin said.

You see, Frank is a homosexual and doesn't like the word ''F'', but we still like him the way he is. So that's why I usually abstain from using it. (If your a homophobic then gtfo)

I don't like labels. Even in the case I did, I'd probably be pansexual, not homo. I like everyone. With or without dicks, with or without tits, with or without anything. I don't care about the looks.