Things like this, how should I acknowledge an opinion like this?
You ignore it and move on because people can be stubborn and juvenile.
The point of making a thread for an appeal isn't to disagree with everything that everyone says, if you want to get anywhere it's better to try and honestly understand what they're saying and try to calmly and respectably prove them otherwise if it's a negative opinion on you that you disagree with.
Also, for the people who still can't seem to get over the fact that Frank gets offended by being using faggot:
No, I don't mean for Frank to get over it, I mean for the people that keep bitching about him bitching about it.
Frank is simply offended by that stuff FOR OBVIOUS REASONS and I honestly don't blame him.
If you respect Frank you should limit the use of the word simply so you don't offend him, which is what I do.
I still do it sometimes, because it's just somewhat habit for me really, and I try to only use it in a joking manor, but I keep in mind that what I say may or may not offend people. I respect Frank, so I try and watch what I say around him so I don't offend him.
If you people can agree with that point, you should do the same.
Otherwise, I think knowing that Frank is offended by it and people continuing to use it in clearly offensive manors is irresponsible and simply juvenile... unless it's just a case where you really mean no harm by it or haven't thought it through or such a way or something.
Seriously though, think of it for a second. We all know what faggot is used for, so I'm not going to go through explaining that, but it's similar to racial slurs that are intended to be harmful. Not that most of you people don't use offensive racial slurs, Frank included, but just sit and think of how stupid it is for a second, and why it might piss Frank off...
Hopefully the rest of the thread will actually be relevant debates/arguments or w/e you want to call it now...