Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved
Benem3000 got banned for being a General Idiot
JBanned means that you hav been banned, and the ban has expired or been lifted.
If an admin bans you for any reason, you become JBanned and must re-apply for regular, if otherwise told.
>read first page
>Benem attacking Teeny, questioning how she deals with bans
>im 12, 2 days is like my whole life, why u ban me like dat??? i only jokin you not see i joke?
Anyhow, GL if you try to re-apply for Reg even. You basically just ruined all of your chances at that.
Also, by saying you were too influenced by polkabud shows you aren't taking responsibility for being a douche, and sticking to the fact that the ban was unreasonable.
You know where the door is.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)I would also like to add, red velvet cupcakes are amazing. Pie still beats everything however.
If you are trying to provoke me to do something stupid its not gonna happen. I said i am sorry. Most of the first page was the rage talking. I am 17 fyi. I am trying as hard as I can not to say anything stupid and its smart comments like Adam's that make me want to. I just don't think this is something i should have to re-apply for reg for. Its not that its hard to re-apply its just that it feels too low and degrading. I said some stupid stuff, first out of jokes, then out of rage, can we please just let it go. As for me I am going to wait it out and see what happens. I do not feel like I have been given any respect whatsoever and think, even though i didn't choose best way to approach it, I could be a lot worse.
I agree he may not have presented himself in the best manner, but he controlled himself more than many would have in this situation.
Give the poor man a break, everyone makes mistakes ::)
--- Quote from: biggaybaby on May 27, 2011, 12:50:57 PM ---I agree he may not have presented himself in the best manner, but he controlled himself more than many would have in this situation.
Give the poor man a break, everyone makes mistakes ::)
--- End quote ---
Thanks I really needed that :) This whole thing has kinda stressed me out. It means a lot to me :)
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