Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Benem3000 got banned for being a General Idiot

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--- Quote from: This Toast on May 27, 2011, 08:40:56 AM ---Wait... If you get banned for ANY reason at all demote you?

--- End quote ---
when banned it demotes auto to Jbanned...


Spoiler (click to show/hide)i didnt know they had red velvet cupcakes

Although I have no reputation here I can say that Benem is generally a good player, he sometimes mic spams the same song but that isn't too obnoxious and otherwise he follows the rules and is friendly.

Also, this may be off topic, but what is the significance and meaning of "JBanned"?


--- Quote from: bipolardiz on May 27, 2011, 08:50:15 AM ---when banned it demotes auto to Jbanned...

--- End quote ---

Am I going to have to re-aplly?

If I have to re-apply I might as well leave rnd for good. I mean I used to be respected a long way back (as bloo95209 and no it wasnt because of ban, i didnt feel right pirating gmod anymore so i had to not play anymore) and got reg i think there should be some leeway or better treatment than this. I am not a bad person and rest assured any offense was not meant. I just think i have been influenced by polkabud a little too much. I honestly dont care about ban, i can wait that out, i just dont want to lose the reg i just got. Sorry to whomever I may have offended. If i am reg again ill try to tone it down a few hundred notches.


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