Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Benem3000 got banned for being a General Idiot

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1. Player's SteamID- STEAM_0:0:21788180

2. Players Nickname- benem3000

3. Your in-game name- benem3000

4. Server name ttt

5. I was just joking around and got 2 hour banned. Nothing racist or anything like that either.

6.  EDIT: (copied from a post down stream to explain)
--- Quote ---Teeny said fuck a few times and it sounded sexual, so i made it sound like i was jizzing and then joked about being mad that I had to change my underwear. I mean what guy would honestly be mad about someone making them jizz? (which i did not btw) If you ban me for doing that then a lot of other people, and i mean a lot, should also get banned. To me its just ridiculous.
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Also... POKEMON!!!   :pokeball:

This Toast:
Um... Your abusing admin?  And teeny, everybody does that also as a joke; don't take it seriously.

General Idiot is a default Ass mod reason for a ban. It is definately not a deformation of character as you say. I would like to see teeny's imput on the subject seeing as you didn't really say anything about the reasoning. Just said you were playing around.... not enough info.

2 hours? Damn my life is over....... Get a screeny or log of what you said next time. Cause how are we supposed to decide if it is a good reason?

This Toast:

--- Quote from: bipolardiz on May 27, 2011, 01:15:54 AM ---General Idiot is a default Ass mod reason for a ban. It is definately not a deformation of character as you say. I would like to see teeny's imput on the subject seeing as you didn't really say anything about the reasoning. Just said you were playing around.... not enough info.

2 hours? Damn my life is over....... Get a screeny or log of what you said next time. Cause how are we supposed to decide if it is a good reason?

--- End quote ---

I was there. Teeny did this weird moan, then benem followed up but he died. When the round ended he raged at teeny that his pants got jizzed: pretty sure he said it calling teeny a fucking--*something*

Truth shall not be hidden.


--- Quote from: This Toast on May 27, 2011, 01:24:53 AM ---I was there. Teeny did this weird moan, then benem followed up but he died. When the round ended he raged at teeny that his pants got jizzed: pretty sure he said it calling teeny a fucking--*something*

Truth shall not be hidden.

--- End quote ---

cussing at an admin.... nothing bad about that.....


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