Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Benem3000 got banned for being a General Idiot

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I'm not reading the replies, so this may have been brought up yet, but I'd like to say this

There are two things that you should do right now to not get banned again.

1. Wait our your ba-- It's already expired, what are you bitching about?
2. Don't be a general idiot. If teeny or moo bans you, you talk to THEM.


--- Quote from: hello my name is gamefreak on June 25, 2011, 09:30:41 AM ---I'm not reading the replies, so this may have been brought up yet, but I'd like to say this

There are two things that you should do right now to not get banned again.

1. Wait our your ba-- It's already expired, what are you bitching about?
2. Don't be a general idiot. If teeny or moo bans you, you talk to THEM.

--- End quote ---


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