Author Topic: New laptop (Maybe), need answers.  (Read 208 times)

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New laptop (Maybe), need answers.
« on: May 07, 2011, 05:36:24 PM »
For $250, I can snag myself a decent laptop.

Athlon 2x, 2.2GHZ
2GB DDR3 Ram
Radeon HD4250
(1366x768 screen for those who are curious).

Now, here's the thing, I need to decide to either get this laptop now, or keep saving up for a better one in the future.

I'll have the 250 by the end of this week, but I want to know if this one is worth jumping towards.

The Radeon 4250 seems great with most games, but I want to know if it'd last me for the next 2 years or so (still being able to play newer games).

I'm not a big whore when it comes to graphics, as long as it's playable at full resolution, I'm happy. (No AA/AF, Medium model and texture quality @ 20FPS is fine for me).


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Re: New laptop (Maybe), need answers.
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2011, 05:46:52 PM »
Depends... in long terms then you should save up. But in short terms, buy now. I would only buy one now if it was a DEFINITE need, such as school work etc... but I guess your looking for one for games. IMO, saving up will be more worthwhile.

Thank you Marie for the sprite.

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Re: New laptop (Maybe), need answers.
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2011, 05:49:44 PM »
Depends... in long terms then you should save up. But in short terms, buy now. I would only buy one now if it was a DEFINITE need, such as school work etc... but I guess your looking for one for games. IMO, saving up will be more worthwhile.

I need one by the end of summer, not just for games.

I'm going to be doing a lot of multi-media work with MPT and Sony Vegas, but I need something that can handle rendering previews without lagging like a mofo :L

I just want to know if this will last me for the rest of high school is all.

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Re: New laptop (Maybe), need answers.
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2011, 06:14:42 PM »
I need one by the end of summer, not just for games.

I'm going to be doing a lot of multi-media work with MPT and Sony Vegas, but I need something that can handle rendering previews without lagging like a mofo :L

I just want to know if this will last me for the rest of high school is all.

Eh, you might wanna save up for a laptop with a faster processor, like a core i5 or a turion 64.

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Re: New laptop (Maybe), need answers.
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2011, 06:18:58 PM »
I'd say that computer sucks if you want a good video editing shit. Get one by the end of summer. You'll get more for less.

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Re: New laptop (Maybe), need answers.
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2011, 06:22:02 PM »
im waiting for xrain to post a wall of text

But still i think that you should buy it beacuse imo 2.2 dual core can run anything nowadays.

It can run cyrsis 2 even.

IDK though but imo, buy it...

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Re: New laptop (Maybe), need answers.
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2011, 06:25:31 PM »
wait till end of summer and buy something nicer
with a SB cpu cause prices will come down
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Re: New laptop (Maybe), need answers.
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2011, 06:34:19 PM »
250$ is an awesome price.
Unseen in Canada.
It looks like an amazing deal but idk how it is in Usa.
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Offline Deathie

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Re: New laptop (Maybe), need answers.
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2011, 06:37:31 PM »
250$ is an awesome price.
Unseen in Canada.
It looks like an amazing deal but idk how it is in Usa.

Laptop from local best buy (Can just walk in and buy it right now if I had the cash).

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Re: New laptop (Maybe), need answers.
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2011, 06:50:02 PM »
I would say take it man.
1. You need to start playing games again.
2. Not going to find much better for that price.
3. Better than my old laptop that could run gmod on all low and shit.
4. It will last two years no doubt.
5. I want play games with you! :(

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Re: New laptop (Maybe), need answers.
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2011, 08:13:38 PM »
I need one by the end of summer, not just for games.

I'm going to be doing a lot of multi-media work with MPT and Sony Vegas, but I need something that can handle rendering previews without lagging like a mofo :L

I just want to know if this will last me for the rest of high school is all.

Considering it wont really play current games at much above low if that. I'd say save your cash.

If you are going to do video editing 2 GB of ram isn't going to cut it.

Save your money, and get a desktop instead. You pay for the portability when you buy a laptop, so anything you get will automatically be more expensive when its a laptop. If you want the best bang for buck you can get get a desktop.

Just be paitent, start putting money away, an once you get around $600-800 you can get a pretty decent setup.
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Re: New laptop (Maybe), need answers.
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2011, 08:22:09 PM »

Considering it wont really play current games at much above low if that. I'd say save your cash.

If you are going to do video editing 2 GB of ram isn't going to cut it.

Save your money, and get a desktop instead. You pay for the portability when you buy a laptop, so anything you get will automatically be more expensive when its a laptop. If you want the best bang for buck you can get get a desktop.

Just be paitent, start putting money away, an once you get around $600-800 you can get a pretty decent setup.

Saw a few videos of the 4250, and was surprised it could run Mirror's edge on High, and games like Black Ops on mid'. Just wanted to know if it'd stay like that for the next year or so, but since it won't, I guess this is not for me :L

It's not going to be heavy video editing, 4 channels at best, although I agree 2GB's is a bit small, the laptop I was looking at can go up to 6GB's, so I was thinking just get the lappy now, then upgrade ram to 4-6~GB's. mid-semester.

Can't use desktop. Laptops gonna be shuffled between three separate locations, plus I need it before summer is over, for the next school year.

I'm not getting the money by working, it's more of a thing where I'm pawning off stuff I bought but never used (already have about 180 from doing this), just need to sell this one thing, and I should have 250. $380 total once I sell everything (Might take a month though). I do a lot of local selling/buying through craigslist. Hasn't failed me yet.

The point I'm trying to make, is that this will be a one-time method of getting cash. Once it's all sold, I won't be making any more.

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Re: New laptop (Maybe), need answers.
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2011, 08:24:55 PM »
Saw a few videos of the 4250, and was surprised it could run Mirror's edge on High, and games like Black Ops on mid'. Just wanted to know if it'd stay like that for the next year or so, but since it won't, I guess this is not for me :L

It's not going to be heavy video editing, 4 channels at best, although I agree 2GB's is a bit small, the laptop I was looking at can go up to 6GB's, so I was thinking just get the lappy now, then upgrade ram to 4-6~GB's. mid-semester.

Can't use desktop. Laptops gonna be shuffled between three separate locations, plus I need it before summer is over, for the next school year.

I'm not getting the money by working, it's more of a thing where I'm pawning off stuff I bought but never used (already have about 180 from doing this), just need to sell this one thing, and I should have 250. $380 total once I sell everything (Might take a month though). I do a lot of local selling/buying through craigslist. Hasn't failed me yet.

The point I'm trying to make, is that this will be a one-time method of getting cash. Once it's all sold, I won't be making any more.

Start Mowing lawns  ;D
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Offline Deathie

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Re: New laptop (Maybe), need answers.
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2011, 08:28:34 PM »
Start Mowing lawns  ;D

5$ per house
MY yard takes about 20 minutes to do
I'd need to mow 100 houses, which means working for about 34 Hours to get $500 for a laptop with a 9800GT



Also, I forgot another pocket of cash I might get from. Birfdais cummming in June.

Last year, I got a total of $220. Nobody actually bought me a present, just birthday cards with 20$ bills in them.

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Offline Xrain

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Re: New laptop (Maybe), need answers.
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2011, 08:40:59 PM »
5$ per house
MY yard takes about 20 minutes to do
I'd need to mow 100 houses, which means working for about 34 Hours to get $500 for a laptop with a 9800GT



Also, I forgot another pocket of cash I might get from. Birfdais cummming in June.

Last year, I got a total of $220. Nobody actually bought me a present, just birthday cards with 20$ bills in them.

Your kidding right?

$500 for 34 hours of work?

That's $14.70 an hour, that freeking over twice minimum wage.

What the heck are you complaining about. Your realize the standard work week is 40 hours right?

I got paid $20-50 a house, but it took anywhere from 3-8 hours to do a house, and your complaining about 20 min. Get out. Now.

You realize people in Mexico work all day for around $10, then they feed their family of 7 with that. I know this because I built a house for a guy as part of missionary work who had to live like this.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 08:42:36 PM by Xrain »
" I don't take square roots, I make them. Then I set them out to cool after I baked them for 40 minutes."
"It's Canadia, not Chlamydia."
"Hold on I just have to ddos myself"

"I'm like 12 in my head" screen when I do video?"