Considering it wont really play current games at much above low if that. I'd say save your cash.
If you are going to do video editing 2 GB of ram isn't going to cut it.
Save your money, and get a desktop instead. You pay for the portability when you buy a laptop, so anything you get will automatically be more expensive when its a laptop. If you want the best bang for buck you can get get a desktop.
Just be paitent, start putting money away, an once you get around $600-800 you can get a pretty decent setup.
Saw a few videos of the 4250, and was surprised it could run Mirror's edge on High, and games like Black Ops on mid'. Just wanted to know if it'd stay like that for the next year or so, but since it won't, I guess this is not for me :L
It's not going to be heavy video editing, 4 channels at best, although I agree 2GB's is a bit small, the laptop I was looking at can go up to 6GB's, so I was thinking just get the lappy now, then upgrade ram to 4-6~GB's. mid-semester.
Can't use desktop. Laptops gonna be shuffled between three separate locations, plus I need it before summer is over, for the next school year.
I'm not getting the money by working, it's more of a thing where I'm pawning off stuff I bought but never used (already have about 180 from doing this), just need to sell this one thing, and I should have 250. $380 total once I sell everything (Might take a month though). I do a lot of local selling/buying through craigslist. Hasn't failed me yet.
The point I'm trying to make, is that this will be a one-time method of getting cash. Once it's all sold, I won't be making any more.