1. Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:10596558
2. Players Nickname: Moo
3. Your in-game name: Pryvisee
4. Server name: TTT
5. Description of the event(s): As you all know, I was demoted on the most stupidest reason and have to work my way up. There are a lot of people that are afraid to call Moo out or report him because they get punished for it. Well I'm sick of it. Anyways, I get out of school and get on my computer to play some TTT. Join the server and happen to find Moo was afk. Round 1, not moving and talking. Round 2, still not moving and talking. Round 3, still not moving and talking and I start asking people is Moo really afk? And people respond "yeah, he's been afk for a while." Round 4, still afk and no response to asking him questions. Round 5, map changes, and is still afk. Talking to another admin, I start to gather proof. Round 6, Moo starts responding then going afk. This goes on and afk intervals come about every 3-6 mins. Try to get proof, but die trying. This goes on for the whole map. So now we are playing on Crummy Cradle and Moo is pretending to be AFK. So I start talking about "This is shit" and other stuff. At the moment I was standing by Moo. I then get exploded and the explosion kills Moo and he was detective. My karma was at 400 for that. Then he says "Stop bitching". I can say that I was bitching, but I shouldn't of lost all my karma and been exploded for it.
Now let me tell you another story. This happened I think the next day of getting demoted. Moo, the detective and me were standing in a circle. Well Moo drops a knife and tells the detective to scan it. I press E on it, pick it up and run away. You can probably think of what happened next. I got exploded. After the round ended and I stopped laughing I simply said "itrollu" then out of nowhere Moo responds, "Don't uforget that approve vip apps." Since we were not talking about VIP at all, I was shocked that he would say that.
6. Reason for promote: Since he will never be banned/demoted or anything, I want to get re-promoted. I was demoted for a stupid reason, and he was being a complete hypocrite. I know when Moo bans people, it demotes automatically. But people also get banned by Moo and only get demoted to regular, such as Tech. So I would like a promote back to where I was.
7. Now wheres the proof: I have at least 2 demo's of him being afk. Like I said, I talked to another admin about this at round 5. Since other people were saying that he was afk for quite some time, he could of been afk for more than the 6 rounds. I could provide demos, but a I mostly have a lot of witnesses. All the people will probably back me up on this.
And keep in mind that I was demoted for being afk for about 5 mins.
Thanks for reading.