Author Topic: Promote on Moo's actions.  (Read 372 times)

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Offline Pryvisee

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Re: Promote on Moo's actions.
« Reply #45 on: January 26, 2011, 05:19:22 PM »
it is the reason, his title is telling me, since i trolled him, hes mad, i have to promote him back to vip

theres a reason i dislike him, and reason i dont gotta give any of you
how about, giveing the reason, to me, I want to know, please explain,

He didn't even deserve to get it.

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Offline Foofoojack

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Re: Promote on Moo's actions.
« Reply #46 on: January 26, 2011, 05:19:37 PM »
He didn't even deserve to get it.
I wasn't there when he got it, so I wouldn't know-sorry.

Offline somerandomguy09

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Re: Promote on Moo's actions.
« Reply #47 on: January 26, 2011, 05:20:05 PM »
it is the reason, his title is telling me, since i trolled him, hes mad, i have to promote him back to vip

theres a reason i dislike him, and reason i dont gotta give any of you

If only we knew the exact reason for why you dislike him i think there would be a lot less confusion and a lot less "hate" going towards you but if you'd rather keep it to yourself thats on you.
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Re: Promote on Moo's actions.
« Reply #48 on: January 26, 2011, 05:21:02 PM »
yup, dont really care if u guys hate me dislike me, think im gay, whatever u want to think i am go ahead, just dont bother any other admin, or this shit i did to pry right here, gets worse :D

Offline Frank

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Re: Promote on Moo's actions.
« Reply #49 on: January 26, 2011, 05:22:08 PM »
I wasn't there when he got it, so I wouldn't know-sorry.
If you don't know about the topic, don't get involved it. No hostility to you, but take it as an advice.

yup, dont really care if u guys hate me dislike me, think im gay, whatever u want to think i am go ahead, just dont bother any other admin, or this shit i did to pry right here, gets worse :D

I'd rather think you're bisexual, provided that you've got a GIRLfriend.

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Re: Promote on Moo's actions.
« Reply #50 on: January 26, 2011, 05:23:10 PM »

Offline Foofoojack

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Re: Promote on Moo's actions.
« Reply #51 on: January 26, 2011, 05:23:58 PM »
If you don't know about the topic, don't get involved it. No hostility to you, but take it as an advice.

I'd rather think you're bisexual, provided that you've got a GIRLfriend.
I /do/ know about the topic sadly.

Offline somerandomguy09

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Re: Promote on Moo's actions.
« Reply #52 on: January 26, 2011, 05:25:21 PM »

If only we could...if only we could =]
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Offline Foofoojack

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Re: Promote on Moo's actions.
« Reply #53 on: January 26, 2011, 05:25:58 PM »

Offline Frank

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Re: Promote on Moo's actions.
« Reply #54 on: January 26, 2011, 05:27:24 PM »
If you're not gonna contribute to either sides, then I'll kindly ask you to leave the thread.

Please, leave the thread.

Offline Devie

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Re: Promote on Moo's actions.
« Reply #55 on: January 26, 2011, 05:27:41 PM »
EVERYONE in this thread is assuming shit they don't know. Implying things that are right in front of their faces, ignoring what's really behind it all.

No one here knows exactly what the fuck is going on. And you guys are just fighting amongst yourselves now about what the point of this thread is or about how you NEED to get your opinion across because YOU think it's right based off what you know and those to disagree state otherwise for the same reason.

I'm locking this JUST FOR NOW to avoid fights between people in the community. If Pryvisee wants to talk this through, talk to moo and some of us admins and keep it between us.


I'd rather not have the community flare up and take sides because of this and should be dealt with privately.

The reason is this is turning into those:

looks like an argument to me. I don't want the community to flare up. So I'm locking this.
I apologize if I offend anyone by locking.

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Re: Promote on Moo's actions.
« Reply #56 on: January 26, 2011, 05:48:59 PM »
Alright, there are just a few problems here to start out with.

First, when has anyone ever, EVER been promoted on the basis of someone else's wrong doing? I honestly cant think of one. I can certainty think of several who have tried, but most of them were either trolling, or have been banned.

I would understand if your just trying to make a joke, but since this is actually been posted in the report section I don't think that's the case. Or if it is the case your doing it wrong.

I will be the first to admit, no, not everyone in the community is treated equally. Some people are given more leniency, others are given significantly less.

Is this fair?

Both No and Yes.

No because, well if everything worked perfectly everyone would be treated exactly the same, there would be no such thing as a minge. And every single person would contribute equally to the well being of the servers.

But sadly in reality this isn't the case, as everyone in these servers is human (as far as I know) and we all are just as susceptible to our own bias's as everyone else.

Basically what happens from time to time, is a majority of random's workings is dictated by the spoken or unspoken needs of the community. With a portion of it being dictated by a select few people.

So when all of the sudden something happens that goes against the perceived communities will, Everyone feels a great injustice has occurred and so the reports/discussion meets a flurry of activity.

But why isn't the whole dam thing run by community will?

 For quite a few reasons actually. The main one being, for in order for us to be completely impartial in all decisions related to the community, it would require us to write a document, which in detail, spells out every scenario possible related to every event possible and detail out what the exact punishment would be.

This as far as I can imagine it, would require a gigantic data center larger than any on the planet, to truly consider every factor involved, completely impartial.

This of course would be imposable for us, as no government on the planet has succeeded on anything close to this, (hence the reason our legal system still involves people).

Anything we could feasibly come up with, while in its own merits could be pretty amazing, in the long run would be limited in scope and would kill all the fun out of the game since it would group too many things together killing off any chance for originality.

So instead, we have people. Young people at that, Our main goal is to keep this all fun for everyone, not to be fair. We cannot hope to fairly judge every situation, since most of our decisions are made in seconds, with a few exceptions.

So this means the purpose of an admin is to ensure the game remains fun for a majority of people, not to follow the rules to the letter of the law.

This is also why some of the rules are rather vague, and why some people get punished and others don't.

However there is one rule, that is the most important out of all of them.

Use common sense.

It's also one of the most difficult for people to grasp.

I have explained it several times already, but who knows maybe this time people will get it.

When you decide to post somthing, there should be a few things that cross your mind right before you press the post button.

1. I like playing at these servers, could this post possibly impact my chances of continuing to play on them?

2. Does this post contain anything that could genuinely hurt someones feelings?

3. Would Xrain post this?  :dukenukem:

If you answered No or maybe to any of these, take a second, and be reeeeeallly sure you want to post it, if you are then go ahead, and just be prepared to live with the consequences.

There seems to be a lot of... unhappiness... aimed in moo's direction.

Which is understandable, since he is almost always the "badguy" in a lot of situations, and he generally doesn't show much mercy in his judgements. But he needs to be here, if it wasn't moo that did this it would be someone else. Hate him all you like, we all trust his judgements to as good as could have been done in that situation.

And don't even try to apply my admin = more fun for servers thing, since just because an admin looks out for the general fun of the servers, it doesn't exactly mean that it has to be YOUR fun.

I could probably write a good sized wiki on the topics in here, but ill stop now since this post is started to get rather long. (That and there has been 24 posts since i started this.)
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Offline Orgazmo

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Re: Promote on Moo's actions.
« Reply #57 on: January 27, 2011, 07:22:59 PM »
I'm locking this JUST FOR NOW to avoid fights between people in the community. If Pryvisee wants to talk this through, talk to moo and some of us admins and keep it between us.


I truly wish I had seen this topic before it became derailed. I have my fair share of opinions and beliefs on the ACTUAL topic and post and look forward to a discussion on this.
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