Please tell us, oh great knowledgeable one,
Train crashes aren't that likely, like you portray them. A train is fixed to it's rails, it won't go off in a random direction unless it derails. If a retard rail worker decides to throw a switch track which leads to another speeding train, that's a majority of crashes right there.
But if you are in a plane thats liek, 40000+ ft in the air, and something goes're fucked unless the pilot's can emergency land it. If you crash into a mountain like the JAL 123, you don't have such a great chance of survival.
And what again are the odds of that?
We've evolved from flying with propeller driven aeroplanes that crashed 99% of the time to planes that barely EVER fail. And if they do fall, it's mostly due to manufacturing faults or due to huge turbulences. Planes flying into a mountain is mostly a fault from either the pilots or the people working at the towers.
Just to make this a lil' bit clear for you: more planes get shot down in military exercises than they crash on natural causes.
And, statistics time.
There's a train accident around every 115 minutes, around 10% of which involve multiple people dying. 20% are trains with serious chemicals in them.
This is opposed to a maximum of one fatal air crash a year.
Most aeroplane accidents are simple emergency landings into the ocean, which usually end up in the majority of people getting rescued.
I don't think I even have to mention the amount of car crashes per year, cause we all know there are SHITLOADS.