Author Topic: [Reapply]1/10/2011 Mounce for Regular!  (Read 255 times)

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Re: 1/10/2011 Mounce for Regular!
« Reply #30 on: January 10, 2011, 07:08:53 PM »
I rarely ever go on TTT, but like the three times I did he was just kind of mean and didn't respect people, but another time I went on he was actually nice, Bi-polar much?


Maybe you came in at the wrong time :| I'm generally nice unless someone just is a dick to me, then I return fire if they deserve it :|


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Re: 1/10/2011 Mounce for Regular!
« Reply #31 on: January 10, 2011, 07:14:25 PM »
Oh god.

You're making all the wrong moves, and are insulting the more respectable members of the community.

You can still turn this around though, just renounce yourself. I'm sure we all just started off on the wrong foot.

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My apologize, but as soon as I saw Sabbath come to 'sabotage' the thread and such, I think I felt the chances already go downhill due to 'bad first impressions'. If I were to garner more appreciative views via being around for say, a month, 2 months? So I'd meet more people, play with more of the mods and admins so they Know me. Am sure then it'd be more compelling for me to make this application. Instead this application was partially rushed, and it got messed due to the Drama-fest that came to be from Danny and Sabbath, from me playing on the server and speaking my mind. I don't think people will see it as starting off on the wrong foot, to those who + me or to those who aren't fully sure if they know whether or not I'm a good person or not, they'll find out soon enough before making a solid conclusion over Who I am or what I am. Besides, I'm not here to be a Fake and pretend to not be who I am, I'm blunt, honest, direct and to the point, makes people dislike me perhaps. However, I'm not a pushover nor will I suck up to the 'more respectable members' of the community.....Respect is earned, not given. Their titles are earned themselves from their times here with whomever know them, that doesn't mean they've earned respect and it's to be forced from new members who don't know them at all. I will respect and trust and give my regards to those who individually earn it  :thumbsup: Most people dislike that, but, that's why society sucks  :rasta:

Bias situation are never a good thing, this application was rigged to blow due to drama anyways, Soooo- I will get more favorable views next time when I have more allies, 5-7 people already added me to Steam friends from the server, am sure that number shall grow...

Guess I shall declare this CLOSED to whomever it pleases to end the lingering POOPSTAINS of the rat-infested drama and afros.  O0
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 07:19:36 PM by Mounce »

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Re: 1/10/2011 Mounce for Regular!
« Reply #32 on: January 10, 2011, 07:27:28 PM »
Wasn't being serious  :-[ Though also truth be told I really have no idea, I'd open suspicions to Jabbath telling his pals on his Steam friends to come on in and have fun rating me lowly, not in some paranoid-fashion, but it feels predictable.....

Also, my account is magical!? It says I have 0 Posts!  ???
Or, wild thought, I'm not the only one with that opinion?
Besides, ask gamefreak, I've been striping in Skype all day, no time to tell friends to -1.
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EDIT: I also like how you acted sarcastic saying that a -1 on your app wasn't a big deal then you make a 5 paragraph essay to each reply to your application.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 07:30:33 PM by SabbathFreak »

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Re: 1/10/2011 Mounce for Regular!
« Reply #33 on: January 10, 2011, 07:35:43 PM »
I shall calmly state how your post is hypocritical purely because it seems you're becoming hot-headed over my posts and you constantly over-reacting to anything I type, where you come up with these groundless and emotion-filled assumptions such as to call me 'self-centered hot head' and 'good shit'(Lol good shit?).
Come on. You studied in psychology (supposedly). You know that by adding the yellow text, all you're doing is provoking a response. Why? Do you enjoy the arguements? If that's a fact, then you honestly don't think these people are "immature little kids".

You're a hypocrite, you're the only one losing their cool, and how stupid
is it of you to tell me to 'Get out' of my own thread?
FYI - He meant 'get out' of the forums. All you're doing is pissing off the more reputable members.
Properly it's either you have something nice to say or not at all, if you give +1 or -1 or 0, so be it, but you along with many of the other kids and ones who're immature just keep piling on with the emotional instabilities and insecurities.
He said you're acting like a stuck-up asshole. I tried to see another side, but at this point, I agree with him. He doesn't have any emotional instabilities or securities. He stated an insult that was quick, direct, and to the point. Not how someone with emotional issues would (Long, extensive, avoiding key issues.)

Does me calling you a 'Kid', tick you off that much, because it's just the truth or that I used it in a derogatory fashion?
It would offend anyone really, due to the fact we all know subconsciously, we aren't "Kids";
A kid is referred to as a child goat. You calling him a 'kid' makes him subconsciously think you're calling him a filthy animal.
On a higher level, we all associate 'kid' with a younger child, mostly under the age of thirteen. So you calling him a 'kid' is like calling him a little child; which takes it back to it being used in derogatorily.

Really, if whether or not I get such a title of 'Regular' or 'VIP' is dependent on the foolishness of other members
Keep in mind, these members are people who have been here a lot longer than you, and know how the system works.
who aren't Mods or admins themselves
FYI - We don't have mods.
The people who are admin on here know the owner; mostly directly, and have contributed a lot. Not to mention the fact all of them have been a part of the community for well over a year.

but are just silly and mouthy little E-punks who take out their frustrations on others irrationally,
Sorry. But the sad fact is, you're on the internet. This isn't some school club where everyone is the same. People will like some others more, and detest others.
I'd tell myself pre-emptively not to attempt making an application which was made for the good of the server, not for the good of a childs' simple-minded and predictable ego.
True, the Regular status is no more than just a blue tag, but before we had a system change, Regular used to be respected, which is what VIP is now. The sole reason we removed the respected system was because people were being promoted left and right, and a lot were abusive. We removed that system entirely, and put a severe choke on VIP, and added Regulars, who were the only ones who could Participate in votekicks/votebans.

Just wanted to give you a small history lesson before you jab any more pokes at the regular/VIP system.

Does me using such big words make you insecure and feel that I somehow must have an Ego myself? Har har har..... I will logically use words to dismiss and barrage you until you submit!
See first rant.
 :cake: It is delicious and moist. Don't respond to this thread again please, lest I blatantly reveal my plans of how your next post was more predictable than what cereal I'm going to be eating tomorrow morning.....
Honestly, I lol'd.

I made my application, I'll wait for people who 'KNOW' me to make their decision on such a matter as This, for making this Fair I'd hope such a thing is understandable, if admins and mods are fine with it that's fine, if I get on the bad side of an admin or mod that's my fault and problem, but to rely on a guest or regular or user that is on the server who easily have problems with me is just as relatable as an RDM'er on the game, merely their Revenging is via retaliating on this thread immaturely.
People who post here do know you enough to want to post. Most of us don't even respond to an app, unless we know who the person is. It's not like we're forced to +1/-1 every single app. And I'll repeat, admins are going to trust the words of a reputable member, as opposed to that of a newbie.
 Too many people who come in here to spam '-1', most of which are people who are angry from Today only and don't give a chance, and are in a 'dontknowdontcare' situation.
Hi. My name is Death. Can I take your order?

I will see how the other mods or admins think of me from the times and experiences of me being around the more I play in the server.

Again, they won't post just because they were asked to. It's becuase they HAVE played with you, and just particularly found you annoying.

P.S. I predict a 'tl;dr' from the immature ones. Hopefully stating this prevents such posts from occurring.   :

Just to clarify.

The reason why they 'tl;dr' is due to the fact they would literally have 'more important places to be'. Not because they're immature.

They're not the immature little kids you summed them up to be. They just don't want to put up with the BS you keep saying.

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Re: 1/10/2011 Mounce for Regular!
« Reply #34 on: January 10, 2011, 07:42:39 PM »

They're not the immature little kids you summed them up to be. They just don't want to put up with the BS you keep saying.

Dear god I love you. I actually read that entire analyzation. It is actually everything I wanted to say, but stated by a true expert!  :thumbsup: Deathie!

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Re: 1/10/2011 Mounce for Regular!
« Reply #35 on: January 10, 2011, 07:48:43 PM »
Dear god I love you. I actually read that entire analyzation. It is actually everything I wanted to say, but stated by a true expert!  :thumbsup: Deathie!

My goo is brain.

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Re: 1/10/2011 Mounce for Regular!
« Reply #36 on: January 10, 2011, 07:53:16 PM »

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Re: 1/10/2011 Mounce for Regular!
« Reply #37 on: January 10, 2011, 08:52:03 PM »

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Re: 1/10/2011 Mounce for Regular!
« Reply #38 on: January 10, 2011, 08:53:46 PM »

They're not the immature little kids you summed them up to be. They just don't want to put up with the BS you keep saying.

Nice Triple Post


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Supertoaster on the other hand...

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Re: 1/10/2011 Mounce for Regular!
« Reply #39 on: January 11, 2011, 06:08:46 AM »

They're not the immature little kids you summed them up to be. They just don't want to put up with the BS you keep saying.

Ugh.....well, this is the 3rd time trying to make a response since each time my firefox crashes but let me try to retype my whole post summed up, irritatingly...

You really over-analyzed my post, unfortunately. You were spot on before but now it's just turning into what I didn't wish for and that was for this to become an unrealistic deterrence. At that, it's not a contradiction because you're assuming I'm not calm, which is 'silly' beyond belief when how I'm typing all the time here makes me feel so monotone and boringly-serious where it always automatically screams to those unaware of who I am 'Superiority complex'. Lol.....

Contradictions are never a bad thing nor do they have to be negative, so pointing it out is irrelevant nor is it anything to be used to anything I say, when you understand and use cognitive dissonance and it's 2nd-nature to you, each side of the coin represents something you can visualize, agree and disagree with and neither thought is wrong, summed up.

I wanted this closed because I knew it was becoming nothing but further and further collateral damage, also similar to a hype train or hate train relating to the deterrence, the more that hop on, the more speed = more damage.

Am not pissing off 'more respectable members', they're all the same members over and over again.

Your rant on your view on what 'Kid' is defined as is just awkward and random to be honest, I am so confused as to how you can claim that kid = that, filthy animal? Where are you honestly going with that? That's where I was saying you're over-analyzing things.... I say KID, because of immaturity, I say kid because that's what many are here, due to their Age# as well. If you take it negatively, then you see it negatively, doesn't mean it was meant to be negative, it's subjective on the lenience of the person -_- If they tolerate it and keep their own cool about such words used on them, clearly they aren't a kid, it's a Test hidden within it :\ Simply, if someone overreacts to a petty word, they're just falling into the trap and relating to maturity, it's just one way to reveal it without having everything explode, but I'm still realllllyyy confused with how you're making me out now to look like a bigger ass than I am but defining everything in my one post as something of a putrid mess :/ a Kid to me, is someone still in their Teens, for you to say a 'kid' is or must be someone 13 or younger, it subjective, it's variable on each person, it's not set in stone for everyone....

Whether or not people have been around a specific site or server, is irrelevant to their skills of being a 'Regular' or to even relate to whether or not they'd be liable to abuse powers. Nor does their duration of being around the site or server have any effects over whether or not they're capable of using common sense or anything.

Never would believe anyone is the same, equality is a ruse :/ Nor would I say no one is allowed to like or hate others on their own level, I just usually ask that if someone does go to Like or hate, they actually have REASONS behind it that aren't irrational or emotionally broken and easily unstable like, I step on your toe once and you hate me forever sort of idea, this 'hate' train is being built upon something so miniscule, asked for the thread to be closed because I knew it was just going to keep going especially when in a situation like now I will continue to defend myself and try to explain as detailed as I can, but that will only cause more people to get upset or annoyed. So why the thread hasn't been closed is helluva not my fault and especially the recent collateral damage.

I'd jab it but that would be pointless :/ it is what it is. At that, I've never been jabbing at it, just some members who have it if dependable.

Yay, a Lol  8) ?

Then I'd prefer to not care about the regulars at this level unless as said they prove they can earn respect and when that happens, I give it back, when that happens, everythings sunshine and rainbows. Just not raisin-cookies. I'll aim to show who I am to admins who haven't just perhaps cockblocked their care-o-meter on what I can offer other than Steve-impersonations from Aqua Teen Hunger Force or singing happy happy joy joy.

I said Most for a reason.

Varies on the situation, WAY too early for you or anyone to make a deduction on 'admins thoughts', it's still up in the air and I'll show you how in the future.

Most of the time......people who say tl;dr, isn't because they have somewhere important to go or something better to do, but that they have Nothing better to do than to use memes to counter what someone says. That is unquestionable, if someone had anything better to do, they'd not come back to this thread more than once, they'd say their say and leave. Those who return show clear signs that they have nothing better to do than to see how this is turning up, see what I am saying and anyone else, for better or for worse, but just as I would be bluntly saying that I predict a 'tl;dr', is because those same people who return here and dislike, I know would more than likely use such a thing, Again, if anyone had something important or better to do, they'd just laugh, leave this thread and not return, they'd maybe not even play a game or visit this site, variable to what is truly important to a person and is relevant to their very Life.

Supertoaster on the other hand...

*coughs* See, one person is moarrrr than enough!!! Lol.


They are, immature kids like I summed them up to be, what you merely are leaving out though.....*puts on sunglasses* is that they have a choice to be more mature and forget about trivial hatred - or as obviously foreseen, the people I can label a kid today can be the adult of tomorrow. It varies on their reactions, their attitude, their tolerance. That is what I seek. If I'd say Trust me I know what I'm doing I'd either look like an idiot or some person with some god complex buuuut, I just won't say it and leave it up to the reader to decide if they can see something outside the box.

Just remember about the joys of deterrence, it's not only fun to do sometimes, but it's commonly used as the final trump card before war such is the Nuclear Deterrence! Hazza!

So.....With that said, Death M.D., if you have a response for me, I invite you to speak it up in Steam friends mutually. I won't return here to read responses since I've already predicted this to happen since the 1st page but will be watchful of the future and what is effected  :nomnom:
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 06:15:21 AM by Mounce »

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Re: 1/10/2011 Mounce for Regular!
« Reply #40 on: January 11, 2011, 07:47:35 AM »
lol, big wall of text is big.

Anyways, I have played with you on TTT a couple of times. So I personally  :thumbsup: his app. He's actually a pretty cool person in-game

lol, I just noticed. I'm friends with almost everyone.
Except coolz
« Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 07:05:05 AM by Pryvisee »

Sabb: oh when'd you get there!?
Sabb: That was embarrassing.

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Re: 1/10/2011 Mounce for Regular!
« Reply #41 on: January 11, 2011, 09:49:11 AM »
Good good guy. He is a really good TTT player! :)  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Re: 1/10/2011 Mounce for Regular!
« Reply #42 on: January 11, 2011, 11:48:53 AM »
Good player,is hilarious most of times.
Minecraft Alpha Player!
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I am Italian,so I don't have a really good English,sorry if I write something bad!

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Re: 1/10/2011 Mounce for Regular!
« Reply #43 on: January 13, 2011, 12:30:13 AM »
This guy is soo annoying.... He constantly has a comment for everything...  :thumbsdown:
I Disagree! He is pretty nice so i have to give him a  :thumbsup:

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Re: 1/10/2011 Mounce for Regular!
« Reply #44 on: January 13, 2011, 02:22:22 PM »
Reapply In a couple of weeks