>implying we were mad
You got pretty butthurt actually, and were constantly complaining about us.
We were simply calling you obnoxious, next time if you don't want to get complained at, don't act like an obnoxious 10 year old.
You were mad and are being irrational and still trying to troll, want Proof? You came and posted here to talk trash about me for the purpose of making me look bad when you don't even know me at all, you can't debate it at all, yes, you are mad, but also revealing your immaturity -_-. Details below

You got mad, acted like a troll and became insecure, you can easily call everyone but yourself mad and be in denial I won't argue with that, if me making fun of how you're being a troll or a /b/tard on the server gets you upset, well, I don't think you should play or attempt to be social :/ You were the only one complaining about me talking on the microphone without muting me along with Danny, but Danny doesn't count because what I also failed to mention was he not only was being troll'ish in the server, but was clearly an RDM'er.
You complained and became a troll because I didn't listen to you when you kept spamming on the mic for me to "SHHHHH", Since I didn't 'Obey' you, you got butthurt, sad and simple tale, you act Reaaaally childish.
There is no next time because no matter what, there will always be an immature little kid like yourself who complain about anything and everything that you dislike as if the world revolves around you. You are but a hypocrite who cries wolf and insults people like an angry spoiled kid who doesn't have their way and again, if you don't like someone speaking on mic, you don't cause a shitstorm of drama because after you spam "SHHHHHHHHH....SHHHHH.....SHHHHHHHHH" over the microphone and ridicule anyone you please. If you don't like someone speaking on the mic, you MUTE THEM.
Conclusion to this dramafest you're causing, stop being childish and building comical slander on my name when you're nothing but a troll, if you don't like my voice or what I have to say over the mic, MUTE ME. Don't whine, complain, become obnoxious and ignorant and label everyone but yourself such-words and then cry in the forums. No one else in the server had a problem with me, no one told me to stop talking but yourself so stop being a dramaqueen

The only thing I'd ask you Seriously, How old are you, Sabbath, you sound 13-15....