>implying Catholic schools can't be public
Not in this city we have 4 major school boards
•Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (English public board)
•Ottawa-Carleton Catholic School Board (English catholic board)
•CÉP de l'Est de l'Ontario (French public board)
•CSDC du Centre-Est de l'Ontario (French catholic board)
To get into a Catholic school you need a Roman Catholic baptismal certificate for either the child OR parent.
I loved the uniforms with catholic schooling..
My school didn't have nuns or uniforms....
But we did have hot cheerleaders in mini skirts

Yep. I'd rather the place actually feel like a school, and not like a catholic church with nuns all around.
Lol? You know not all Catholic school have nuns? its rare to find a Catholic school with nuns actually, mostly all catholic school the only difference is this extra class which is called Religion which is an elective class.. which you don't even have to take it... all you need is one credit for it and after that you don't ever have to deal with it Lol