Well everything looks quite excellent... except for two things...
First, your ram, It would certainly work just fine, but I can guarantee you will never ever come close to using all of that ram, unless you enjoy playing 4 high end games at once, having 200 tabs open in firefox, and running Highend CAD software all at the same time, on a regular basis, you will never see a return on your investment in all that ram.
I have 4 Gb, I do tons of multitasking, and I also run Memory intensive CAD software, and I still have yet to max out my ram. I have gotten
close, but I was doing things that I'm pretty sure you wont be in your video-game playing. So if this is a gaming machine, you wont need all that much ram.
Go with 6 gb instead, it will be
way more than enough for anything you would be doing with the computer -->
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145224Then take that money and either:
A: Reinvest it in a better video card:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500167B: put that money back in your pocket
C: Even better than both, put it into a better CPU cooler
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835106150&cm_re=35-106-_-35-106-150-_-Product and the previously mentioned upgraded video card.
If you make the changes to your ram and video-card I mentioned, you will be able to play just about any game on max everything. If you keep things as they are that 6850 will struggle in a few of the newer games to have butter smooth playback, and the extra ram wont give you a single extra fps.
But this is shaping up to be one ACE computer

i cant reccommend buying software already on computer
are you building or is it prebuilt
He is building his own computer, and you kinda have to buy an operating system, otherwise your computer is just a box that uses electricity and blinks at you. I suppose you could go to linux, but WINE and the other emulators tend to be rather buggy at times, due to the complexity of the task they have to do.