uhhh NOPE
the gcf's have no affect on game load time lol...
the gcf's are just there if something gets corrupted etc it will replace it from the GCF
you want steam installed to an SSD or ramdisk, wouldnt be enough space on the RDisk though lol
One word... RamSan
http://www.ramsan.com/products/31But going back a bit.
I dont get why you guys always do this.
Your HDD performance has nothing to do with how many FPS you would get in-game, as all of the data is loaded into your ram. The only effect a slow HDD has on you is your load times tend to be longer. So as in-game performance goes, his GPU is the bottleneck of his system.
Do I mention anything about compiling? I say your HDD performance has nothing to do with your ingame FPS.
Let me restate this, just incase you dont realize how obsurd this is.
Your HDD performance has nothing to do with how many FPS you would get in-game.
It matters if you do alot of compiling
You know, a slow HDD also makes your things transfer slower

All of you do this, lol coolz rants about it all the time. Someone makes a legitamate satement. Then someone makes some comment in reply that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, and then they go off feeling like they win the argument.
Why yes, a faster hdd does have some effect on your compile times. Thats great! I'm glad. There is just a few problems that I have.
A. You quoted me, then stated your reply as if it invalidates my statement.
B. He never mentioned anything about wanting his computer to compile things fast.
So in the future, if you wish to add something, be clear in your reply.
Your HDD performance has nothing to do with how many FPS you would get in-game, as all of the data is loaded into your ram. The only effect a slow HDD has on you is your load times tend to be longer. So as in-game performance goes, his GPU is the bottleneck of his system.
It matters if you do alot of compiling
This, is what you did.
Your HDD performance has nothing to do with how many FPS you would get in-game, as all of the data is loaded into your ram. The only effect a slow HDD has on you is your load times tend to be longer. So as in-game performance goes, his GPU is the bottleneck of his system.
While yes, while your hdd does not have a significant effect on your in-game fps. If he ever wanted to get into map design, his compile times could be helped with a faster HDD
See the difference? You need to be clear about what you are arguing when you reply to someone's statement.
Then of course I would argue back, that there are more effective ways to spend $200-$500 dollars to increase performance, than on a SSD. As they are currently too expensive to justify the increase in performance they offer. Even then, the bottleneck while you are compiling for the most part, isn't your transfer speed (unless your hdd is REAALLY slow) but your processor's computation speed.
But if he did want a SSD, go with a Crucial C300, as they are currently one of the fastest SSD's around yet still remaining at a relatively reasonable price.