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Can you name one thing wrong with being a nerd?
Tiger Guy:
--- Quote from: Cariad on February 04, 2013, 10:30:00 AM --- The socially awkwardness... that's a gamer nerd if I'm not mistaken...
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Typically social awkwardness is one of the main characteristics of any type of nerd.
Stop with this "OMFG I'M SUCH A NERD I'M 2 SMART 4 U I PLAY POKEMONNNNNN" mindset, it's really annoying.
Tiger Guy:
--- Quote from: pyrosheep on February 04, 2013, 12:50:26 PM ---Stop with this "OMFG I'M SUCH A NERD I'M 2 SMART 4 U I PLAY POKEMONNNNNN" mindset, it's really annoying.
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Where the hell did you get that from in this thread?
I hate that shit probably as much as you do, but I really don't see that regurgitating onto this thread.
#1 thing: spaghetti spilling out from your pockets.
depends on what you mean by nerd really,
if you mean the social outcast that are interested in things that most people have not heard of, or really into a certain fandom ( starwars, startreck, doctor who, ect. ).
then a lot of things actually. ._.
most of which fall into the whole depression thing
being lonely and shit.
but I mean, people are people, nerd or not.
its not like all nerds are fkn, socially awkward or some shit. they're fucking human.
I'd consider myself quite a nerdy person irl, but I have plenty of friends and I get along with most people, so.
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